Mar Dadishoʿ I was a Catholicus of the Church of the East
Church of the East
The Church of the East tāʾ d-Maḏnḥāʾ), also known as the Nestorian Church, is a Christian church, part of the Syriac tradition of Eastern Christianity. Originally the church of the Persian Sassanid Empire, it quickly spread widely through Asia...

from 421 AD to 456 AD

Significantly, in his reign, in 424 AD, the Church of the East declared itself independent of all other churches; Catholicus Mar Dadisho I started carrying the title of Patrairch as well.

Thereafter, all the Catholicoi, heads of the Church of the East started carrying besides the title of Catholicus, the additional title of Patriarch, Mar Dadisho being the first Catholicus-Patriarch himself.
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