Daisy Belle
Daisy Belles are a hybrid breed of chicken
The chicken is a domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the Red Junglefowl. As one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, and with a population of more than 24 billion in 2003, there are more chickens in the world than any other species of bird...

 developed from the Rhode Island Red
Rhode Island Red
The Rhode Island Red is a breed of chicken . They are a utility bird, raised for meat and eggs, and also as show birds. They are a popular choice for backyard flocks because of their egg laying abilities and hardiness. Non-industrial strains of the Rhode Island Red are listed as recovering by the...

 and the Sussex
Sussex (chicken)
The Sussex chicken is a dual purpose breed that originating in England around the time of the Roman conquest of Britain in AD 43 that is a popular backyard chicken in many countries...

. They are also known by other hybrid breeders as Pied Sussex, Merrydale Pied and etc. All of the above are basically the same hybrid, but with a different name from each breeder.

Breed details

The breed lays 240 to 300 standard A grade eggs per year on average. It has a silvery white plumage around its neck and head and a black body. The chickens are relatively large, suiting free range conditions and to a lesser extent, battery conditions.

Poultry club

As of yet there is not any poultry clubs for this chicken, as it is a hybrid breed and is not yet recognised as a pure breed.

Breed recognition

It is recognised by a large number of pure and hybrid poultry breeders, but is not yet recognised as a "pure" breed by any society, association or standard yet. Due to its icreasing popularity and large number, as well as large numbers of breeders, it may one day be recognised as an official breed. A few organisations and poultry clubs are already starting to show interest and the potential to recognise it as an official breed. So it will probably become an official breed in the near future, at least in the UK.

Area of development

Daisy belles were first bred in England. They are still mainly bred in England, but are popular over the UK and North America as a whole.

External links

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