Daniel Nettelbladt
Daniel Nettelbladt was a German jurist and philosopher.

Nettelbladt studied theology and law at the universities of Rostock
University of Rostock
The University of Rostock is the university of the city Rostock, in the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.Founded in 1419, it is the oldest and largest university in continental northern Europe and the Baltic Sea area...

, Marburg and Halle, where be became a doctor of law in 1744. In 1746 he became a full professor of jurisprudence in Halle, and a royal Prussian privy aulic councillor.


  • Systema elementare Jurisprudentiae naturalis, 1749
  • Historie der demonstrativischen Rechtsgelehrtheit, von ihrem Anfang bis auf das Jahr 1745, 1754

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