Danielle Masters
Danielle Louise Masters (born 2 March 1983) is an English
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

 professional golf
Golf is a precision club and ball sport, in which competing players use many types of clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a golf course using the fewest number of strokes....

er on the Ladies European Tour
Ladies European Tour
The Ladies European Tour is a professional golf tour for women which was founded in 1979. It is based in England. Like many UK-based sports organisations it is a company limited by guarantee, a legal structure which enables it to focus on maximising returns to its members through prize money,...

. She turned pro 1 June 2004.

Masters is from Maidstone in Kent, England.

Masters has been playing on the European tour since 2004 and enjoyed 2 full successful seasons playing across the world, mainly in Europe. On her third year after earning well in year 1 and an increased amount in year 2, in mid 2008 at BMW Ladies Italian Open in Argentario Golf Resort & Spa she had to pull out of the event due to a back injury. Unfortunately due to the severity of the injury she was unable to play again that season.

In an attempt to get back playing as soon as possible, Masters saw a number of experts, ranging from sports science injury specialists to chiropractic physicians, none of whom could offer much help. After a number of scans it was clear she had suffered a subluxated disc, which was caused by an underestimated ankle problem. Due to the nature of the injury, time was given as the prognosis.

A few months into the recovery process Masters, due to a number of factors (unhappy with recovery and felt no improvements were being made), had an appointment with a physiotherapist she had been recommended. After just a few treatments with the new physio she was able to set a target to return at the esteemed Dubai Ladies Classic (Emirates Golf Club) in mid December.
The goal proved a little too much and she had to pull out after only one round completed. Unfortunately the injury had kept her out of over half the events for that calendar year and she was not able to earn enough to retain her playing rights. The rule which prohibited Masters from playing the following year was removed within a year of it being introduced. Despite a very detailed and compelling dossier submitted for a medical exemption, the case wasn't even considered due to the ephemeral 10 Events Ruling.

In 2009 Masters played in 1 LET Event at the Tenerife Ladies Open, Golf Costa Adeje, in which Felicity Johnson was the winner. In March of that year she got married in her home town.

At the end of 2009 Masters returned to Tour School in an attempt to regain her card. The event was held at La Manga Golf Resort and after 7 competitive rounds of golf and from a field of over 220 players across the week she made it into the top 50. In turn she earned playing rights for 2010 and is looking forward to the challenge ahead.

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