Darko Damjanovic
Darko Damjanović is a former Swiss footballer.

He played 5 games in Super League in 2002–03 season.

In May 2010, he was given an open-ended suspension after involved in in the 2009 European football betting scandal
2009 European football betting scandal
The 2009 European football betting scandal was an attempt to influence the outcome of professional association football matches in Europe, and to defraud the gambling industry by betting on the results...

. His former team-mate Marc Lütolf
Marc Lütolf
Marc Lütolf is a former Swiss footballerIn February 2008 he joined Gossau. He was released in February 2010.In May 2010, Lütolf and former team-mate Darko Damjanović, Mario Bigoni were given open-ended suspensions after involved in the 2009 European football betting scandal.Her played for Swiss...

and Mario Bigoni were also banned.

External links

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