Dave Lowensohn Dates Your Daughter
'Dave Lowensohn Dates Your Daughter' is an intimate seven song EP recorded in late 2003 by one half of Speechwriters LLC
Speechwriters LLC
Speechwriters LLC is an American acoustic pop group from Claremont, California. They began as a two-man coffeehouse act but have expanded to bigger and better venues and a respectable following...

 (Dave Lowensohn). Most of the tracks were recorded in a sublet apartment, with microphones strung from the ceiling and queen sized mattresses keeping neighbors out of the mix.

Track listing

  1. "Dear Liz"
  2. "Take My Arms Away"
  3. "The Other Ones"
  4. "Alright"
  5. "Here's That Song You Wanted"
  6. "1999"
  7. "I Am A Professional"
  8. "X-Com" (only available online)

External links

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