David Gale (actor)
David Quentin Gale was a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...


He is primarily known for his role as the evil, autocratic (and re-animated) Dr. Carl Hill in the 1985 cult classic
Cult Classic
Cult Classic is a Blue Öyster Cult studio recording released in 1994, containing remakes of many of the band's previous hits.-Track listing:# " The Reaper" - 5:05# "E.T.I...

 film Re-Animator
Re-Animator is a 1985 American science fiction horror film based on the H. P. Lovecraft story "Herbert West–Reanimator." Directed by Stuart Gordon, it was the first film in the Re-Animator series. The film has since become a cult film, driven by fans of Jeffrey Combs and H. P...

, and its 1990 sequel Bride of Re-Animator
Bride of Re-Animator
Bride of Re-Animator is an American horror film released in 1990. It was directed by Brian Yuzna and was written by Yuzna, Rick Fry and Woody Keith. H. P. Lovecraft wrote the original series of stories, titled Herbert West–Reanimator, from which the characters were derived. The plot roughly...

. After Re-Animator's success, he was cast as a villain
A villain is an "evil" character in a story, whether a historical narrative or, especially, a work of fiction. The villain usually is the antagonist, the character who tends to have a negative effect on other characters...

 in a number of other science fiction and horror films (such as Guyver, The First Power
The First Power
The First Power is a 1990 American horror film/neo-noir, directed by Robert Resnikoff. It starred Lou Diamond Phillips, Tracy Griffith, Jeff Kober and Mykelti Williamson.-Plot:...

, Syngenor
Syngenor is a 1990 B horror/science fiction movie that is a sequel to the 1981 film Scared to Death. The film is directed by George Elanjian Jr and written by Michael Carmody and Brent V. Friedman...

, and The Brain
The Brain (1988 film)
The Brain is a 1988 Canadian science fiction horror film depicting a giant brain like alien that terrorizes. The film has developed a small cult following.-Plot:...

), before his death during open heart surgery
Open Heart Surgery
Open Heart Surgery was released on August 8, 2000 by rock band Virginwool. The band signed to Breaking/Atlantic Records after initially beginning signed to Universal Records. The album was produced and mixed by Brad Wood....

in 1991.

External links

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