Daydreaming on Company Time
Daydreaming on Company Time was the first collection of stories by Australian horror writer Rob Hood
Rob Hood
Robert Hood is an Australian writer and editor recognised as one of Australia's leading horror writers. He has published five young adult novels, three collections of his short fiction, fifteen children's books and over 100 short stories in anthologies and magazines in Australia and overseas...

. The volume includes fantasy tales like the title story and crime tales as well as horror tales of dislocated psyches, all told with a quirky black sense of humour. It includes the powerful “Juggernaut” (about an inexplicable and destructive Object), as well as strong horror tales like “Last Remains’, and “Necropolis” The book was runner-up for Best Single Author Collection in the 1990 Readercon
Readercon is an annual science fiction convention, held every July in the Boston, Massachusetts area, in Burlington, Massachusetts). It was founded by Bob Colby and statistician Eric Van in the 1980s with the goal of focusing exclusively on science fiction in the written form Readercon is an...

Imaginative Fiction Awards (USA).
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