Debora Rabbai
Debora Rabbai is an American voice actress who is also credited as Debbie Rabbai and Angora Deb.
Anime Roles
- Agent AikaAgent AikaAgent Aika, known in Japan as simply , is an adventure anime OVA series. Aika Sumeragi is a Japanese woman who works as a salvager for hire, but gets caught up in a plot for world domination...
- Aika Sumeragi - Alien 9 - Kumi Kawamura
- Ayane's High KickAyane's High Kickis a two-episode anime series produced by Nikkatsu Corporation and Rikuentai. It was originally released as an original video animation in Japan in 1997 and was licensed for release in North America by U.S. Manga Corps in 1998...
- Ayane Mitsui - Battle Arena ToshindenBattle Arena Toshinden (anime)is a two-part original video animation based on the video game series of the same name.-Plot :One year since Eiji's climactic but unfinished battle with Gaia during the first Battle Arena Toshinden tournament, the original eight participants of the tournament as well as other fighters find...
- Sofia - Boogiepop PhantomBoogiepop Phantomis a twelve episode anime television series produced by Madhouse Studios, based on the Boogiepop light novel series by Kouhei Kadono, particularly that of Boogiepop and Others and Boogiepop At Dawn...
- Boogiepop, Sayoko Oikawa, Touka Miyashita - Descendants of DarknessDescendants of Darknessis a fantasy manga series created by Yoko Matsushita. The story revolves around shinigami. These Guardians of Death work for Enma Daiō, the king of the dead, sorting out the expected and unexpected arrivals to the Underworld...
- Gushoshin #2 - GokudoGokudois a light novel series created by Usagi Nakamura. The light novel was first serialized by Kadokawa Shoten in their light novel magazine Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko. It was later adapted into a manga in 1995 and is released in Dengeki Daioh magazine...
- Rubette - Gravitation TVGravitation (manga)is a shōnen-ai manga series written by Maki Murakami.The story follows the attempts of Shuichi Shindo and his band, Bad Luck, to become Japan's next musical sensation and his struggles to capture Yuki's heart...
- Mika Seguchi under Angora Deb - His and Her Circumstances - Rika Sena
- Ikkitousen: Dragon DestinyIkki Tousen, also known as Battle Vixens, is a manga series written and illustrated by Yuji Shiozaki, based on the classic Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms...
- Hakufu Sonsaku - Queen's BladeQueen's Bladeis a series of visual combat books published by Hobby Japan based on the licensed works from Flying Buffalo's Lost Worlds. First published in 2005, it features sexually suggestive depictions of an exclusively female cast of characters. The overall plot of the game revolves around a tournament...
- Leina Vance - Shingu: Secret of the Stellar WarsShingu: Secret of the Stellar Warsis an anime series directed by Tatsuo Sato and mainly animated by Madhouse. Shingu aired from May 8, 2001 through December 4, 2001 on NHK. It ran for 26 episodes and was released on DVD on five volumes by The Right Stuf International in the United States....
- Nayuta Moriyama, Futaba Murata - Kujibiki UnbalanceKujibiki Unbalance, as it exists in the real world, is a three-episode OVA from the highly popular 2004 anime Genshiken, as well as a series of three light novels by Genshiken anime collaborator Michiko Yokote. Within the world of Genshiken, however, Kujibiki Unbalance is a popular ongoing manga and 26-episode anime...
- Kamishakujii Renko - Legend of HimikoLegend of Himikois an anime series, manga book, and PlayStation game. All three were released in early 1999.The PlayStation game was created by Hakuhodo and was released in Japan on March 11, 1999. The manga is a single volume series created by Oh! great and released in Japan by Kadokawa Shoten in early 1999...
- Shino - MazeMaze (anime)is a fantasy anime series featuring both sex-based humor and mecha themes that is based on an original light novel. The anime version was first released as a OVA then a full length TV series and finally as a sequel movie. The OVA and TV anime versions were licensed in the U.S. by Central Park Media...
- Female Maze - Patlabor: The TV SeriesPatlabor: The TV Seriesis an anime television series, created by Sunrise, based on the Patlabor anime franchise.With success of the first movie, Patlabor became one of the first OVAs to be ported to TV. Originally planned for 24 episodes, , the series was extended twice...
- Kanuka ClancyKanuka Clancyis one of the primary protagonists from the anime series "Mobile Police Patlabor". A tough, no-nonsense police sergeant on loan from the New York Police Department, Kanuka is transferred in order to observe and help the newly formed 2nd Unit. She hopes to gain more experience with patrol labors... - Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic KnightRecord of Lodoss Waris a franchise of fantasy novels by Ryo Mizuno based around the work he originally created for a world called Forcelia for role-playing games . There have since been multiple manga, anime and computer game adaptations, several of which have been translated into English...
- Leaf - The ThirdThe Thirdis a novel, manga, and anime series by and illustrated by . The anime series goes under the name . According to the recent New York Comic Convention; The Third has been licensed by Kadokawa Pictures U.S.A and is distributed by Nozomi Entertainment for U.S release...
- Millie - To HeartToHeart (anime)The To Heart animated television series is based on the visual novel To Heart by the Japanese software company Leaf. The episodes, produced by the animation studio Oriental Light and Magic, are directed by Naohito Takahashi and aired in Japan between April 1 and June 24, 1999 compiling thirteen...
- Akari Kamigishi - Voltage Fighters: Gowcaizer the MovieVoltage Fighters: Gowcaizer the MovieVoltage Fighters: Gowcaizer the Movie is a three episode Science fiction/superhero OVA series released in 1997 based on the Neo Geo video game Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer. It was directed by Masami Ōbari, who provided the character designs in the original game, as well as in the OVA. An English...
- Shaia Hishizaki - Wild CardzWild CardzWild Cardz, known in Japan as , is a Japanese manga series written by Noritaka Suzuki. It was adapted into a two-episode original video animation anime in 1997, directed by Yasuchika Nagaoka. It was released in Japan by Studio OX, Movic and BMG Victor Japan...
- Jo Diamonds - The World Of Narue - Haruna
OVA Roles
- Animation Runner KuromiAnimation Runner Kuromiis an OVA Anime film produced by Yumeta Co; part 1 in 2001 and part 2 in 2004. It is a parody of the anime production business itself. It was released on DVD in North America by Central Park Media.-Animation Runner Kuromi 1:...
- Aoi Fukani, Battobi - Gravitation: Lyrics of LoveGravitation (manga)is a shōnen-ai manga series written by Maki Murakami.The story follows the attempts of Shuichi Shindo and his band, Bad Luck, to become Japan's next musical sensation and his struggles to capture Yuki's heart...
- Mika Seguchi under Angora Deb - I Dream of Mimi - Mimi Takaoka
- Midnight PantherMidnight Pantheris the name of a hentai manga and anime OVA created by Yu Asagiri.-Plot:Taking place in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, this is the story about three beautiful, young females named Sonya, Kei, and Lukish. They are in an extremely popular girl band called The Pussy Cats, which is managed by an old...
- Kei - RayearthMagic Knight Rayearthis a Japanese manga series created by Clamp, a manga artist team made up by Satsuki Igarashi, Ageha Ohkawa, Tsubaki Nekoi and Mokona. Rayearth combines elements from the magical girl and mecha anime genres with parallel world fantasy....
- Alcyone
External links
- Debora Rabbai at the English Voice Actor & Production Staff Database