Democratic Forces for Progress
The Democratic Forces for Progress was a political alliance in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso – also known by its short-form name Burkina – is a landlocked country in west Africa. It is surrounded by six countries: Mali to the north, Niger to the east, Benin to the southeast, Togo and Ghana to the south, and Côte d'Ivoire to the southwest.Its size is with an estimated...

 (former Upper Volta
Republic of Upper Volta
The Republic of Upper Volta was established on December 11, 1958, as a self-governing colony within the French Community. Before attaining autonomy it had been French Upper Volta and part of the French Union. On August 5, 1960 it attained full independence from France.Thomas Sankara came to power...

It existed in the early 1990s and consisted of the following political parties:
  • Movement for Socialist Democracy
    Movement for Socialist Democracy
    Movement for Socialist Democracy was a political party in Burkina Faso. The MDS surged when the Burkinabè Communist Group split in April 1989. In March 1991 it took the name MDS...

  • African Independence Party
    African Independence Party
    African Independence Party was a communist party in French West Africa . PAI was founded in Thiès, Senegal in 1957...

  • Movement of Progressive Democrats
  • Burkinabè Socialist Party
    Burkinabè Socialist Party
    Burkinabé Socialist Party was a political party in Burkina Faso. The PSB split from the PAI in the early 1990s. Its leader was Ouindélassida François Ouédraogo....

  • Union of Social Democrats
    Union of Social Democrats
    Union of Social Democrats is an all-Russian non-governmental organization founded on October 20, 2007 by former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev....

Its leader was Issa Dominique Konate.
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