Department of Higher Education and Training (South Africa)
The Department of Higher Education and Training is one of the departments
Ministry (government department)
A ministry is a specialised organisation responsible for a sector of government public administration, sometimes led by a minister or a senior public servant, that can have responsibility for one or more departments, agencies, bureaus, commissions or other smaller executive, advisory, managerial or...

 of the South African government
Government of South Africa
The Republic of South Africa is a constitutional democracy with a three-tier system of government and an independent judiciary, operating in a nearly unique system that combines aspects of parliamentary and presidential systems. Legislative authority is held by the Parliament of South Africa...

. It oversees universities and other post-secondary education in South Africa
South Africa
The Republic of South Africa is a country in southern Africa. Located at the southern tip of Africa, it is divided into nine provinces, with of coastline on the Atlantic and Indian oceans...

. It was created in 2009 after the election of President
President of South Africa
The President of the Republic of South Africa is the head of state and head of government under South Africa's Constitution. From 1961 to 1994, the head of state was called the State President....

 Jacob Zuma
Jacob Zuma
Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma is the President of South Africa, elected by parliament following his party's victory in the 2009 general election....

, when the former Department of Education was divided.

The political head of the department is the Minister of Higher Education and Training
Minister of Higher Education and Training (South Africa)
The Minister of Higher Education and Training is a Minister in the Cabinet of South Africa, with the responsibility of overseeing the higher education and training components of the Department of Education...

; this is Blade Nzimande
Blade Nzimande
Dr Bonginkosi Emmanuel "Blade" Nzimande is a South African politician who has been Minister for Higher Education and Training since 2009.He has been the General Secretary of the South African Communist Party since 1998...

. The department is headquartered in Pretoria in what used to be known as Sol Plaatje House, named after the author and political activist Sol Plaatje
Sol Plaatje
Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje was a South African intellectual, journalist, linguist, politician, translator, and writer. The Sol Plaatje Local Municipality, which includes the city of Kimberley, was named after him.-Early life:...

. The name Sol Plaatje House is now used for the new Department of Basic Education building.

External links

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