Destinations Academy
Destinations Academy is a public alternative high school in Coos Bay, Oregon
Coos Bay, Oregon
Coos Bay is a city located in Coos County, Oregon, United States, where the Coos River enters Coos Bay on the Pacific Ocean. The city borders the city of North Bend, and together they are often referred to as one entity called either Coos Bay-North Bend or the Bay Area...

, United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...



In 2008, 29% of the school's seniors received their high school diploma
High school diploma
A high school diploma is a diploma awarded for the completion of high school. In the United States and Canada, it is considered the minimum education required for government jobs and higher education. An equivalent is the GED.-Past diploma styles:...

. Of 35 students, 10 graduated, 21 dropped out, and 4 are still in high school.
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