Diana Goustilina
Diana Vladimirovna Goustilina ' onMouseout='HidePop("63200")' href="/topics/Vladivostok">Vladivostok
The city is located in the southern extremity of Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula, which is about 30 km long and approximately 12 km wide.The highest point is Mount Kholodilnik, the height of which is 257 m...

) is a Russian
The Russian people are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Russia, speaking the Russian language and primarily living in Russia and neighboring countries....

Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules...

 player who competed for the Russian National Team
Russia women's national basketball team
The Russia women's national basketball team represents Russia in international basketball competitions for Women. The team has participated in the FIBA World Championship for Women since 1998 and their best finish has been a silver medal in 1998, 2002 and 2006...

 at the 2004 Summer Olympics
2004 Summer Olympics
The 2004 Summer Olympic Games, officially known as the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad, was a premier international multi-sport event held in Athens, Greece from August 13 to August 29, 2004 with the motto Welcome Home. 10,625 athletes competed, some 600 more than expected, accompanied by 5,501 team...

, winning the bronze medal.
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