Differentiated service
Differentiated Service is a design pattern
Design pattern (computer science)
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. A design pattern is not a finished design that can be transformed directly into code. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that...

 for business services and software, in which the service varies automatically according to the identity of the consumer and/or the context in which the service is used. Sometimes known as Smart Service or Context-Aware Service.


Differentiated Service is extensively covered in a few narrow technical areas, such as telecoms networks and internet (see Differentiated services
Differentiated services
Differentiated Services or DiffServ is a computer networking architecture that specifies a simple, scalable and coarse-grained mechanism for classifying and managing network traffic and providing Quality of Service on modern IP networks...

). It is also mentioned in some marketing sources, with reference to customer segmentation. But the general principle of service differentiation extends far beyond these domains, and it is one of the mechanisms for implementing flexibility in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Service-oriented architecture
In software engineering, a Service-Oriented Architecture is a set of principles and methodologies for designing and developing software in the form of interoperable services. These services are well-defined business functionalities that are built as software components that can be reused for...


Various dimensions of the service can be differentiated, including:
  • Information quality. For example, an information service providing stock prices may offer real-time prices to selected users, and 15-minute-delay prices to everyone else.
  • Security. For example, a user may have restricted access to sensitive information when he is using an insecure network connection. And access to the financial accounts may be restricted prior to publication.
  • Customer Segmentation. For example each retail customer may get a different set of special offers, and this can be generated dynamically, according to the contents of the shopping basket or the path through the store.

Differentiating factors can include identity (including personalization
Personalization involves using technology to accommodate the differences between individuals. Once confined mainly to the Web, it is increasingly becoming a factor in education, health care Personalization involves using technology to accommodate the differences between individuals. Once confined...

) and context (including presence
Presence information
In computer and telecommunications networks, presence information is a status indicator that conveys ability and willingness of a potential communication partner—for example a user--to communicate...


See also

  • Context awareness
    Context awareness
    Context awareness is defined complementary to location awareness. Whereas location may serve as a determinant for resident processes, context may be applied more flexibly with mobile computing with any moving entities, especially with bearers of smart communicators...

  • Context-aware pervasive systems
    Context-aware pervasive systems
    Context-aware computing refers to a general class of mobile systems that can sense their physical environment, and adapt their behavior accordingly. Such systems are a component of a ubiquitous computing or pervasive computing environment. Three important aspects of context are: where you are; ...

  • Differentiated security
    Differentiated security
    Differentiated security is a form of computer security that deploys a range of different security policies and mechanisms according to the identity and context of a user or transaction....

External links

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