Digimon Digital Card Battle
Digimon Digital Card Battle (known as Digimon World: Digital Card Arena in Japan) is a PlayStation video game based on the Digimon
, short for , is a Japanese media franchise encompassing digital toys, anime, manga and video games. The franchise's eponymous creatures are monsters of various forms living in a "Digital World", a parallel universe that originated from Earth's various communication networks.-Conception and...

Media franchise
A media franchise is an intellectual property involving the characters, setting and trademarks of an original work of media , such as a film, a work of literature, a television program or a video game. Generally, a whole series is made in a particular medium, along with merchandising and endorsements...



The game is very different from the other Digimon releases since it is a totally card-based game. Players have a deck of 30 cards, consisting of Digimon, support and special digivolution cards. The digivolution concept is similar to the other games, in that players start off with a Rookie and finish with an Ultimate (missing out Fresh, In-training and Mega, although Mega Digimon appear as Ultimate). Players sacrifice Digimon in their hand in order to build up "digivolution points" or DP. When one has enough for their desired Digimon, digivolution becomes possible. This brings a new tactical element to the game: deciding which cards to sacrifice.

As the game starts off players are able to choose one of three Digimon to be their first Partner card (Veemon
is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media."Veemon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share...

, Hawkmon
is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media."Hawkmon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share...

 and Armadillomon
is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media."Armadillomon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share...

). As the game progresses these partners will gain experience, become stronger and gain the ability to Armor digivolve. As this ability is used the partner loses the ability to digivolve into Champion (C) or Ultimate (U) levels. Players can have multiple partners in a deck. As the player's partners attain new ranks, they gain digi-parts, which can be used to modify partners to boosts its hit points (health), attack power or support effect. The others can be gained by beating certain opponents a certain number of times and partner fusing.

Special Fusion

Paildramon = ExVeemon + Stingmon

Shakkoumon = Angemon + Ankylomon

Sylphymon = Aquilamon + R-Gatomon

AeroVeedramon = Veedramon + Phoenixmon

Diaboromon = Infermon + Digitamamon

GranKuwagamon = HerculesKabuterimon + Megadramon

Imperialdramon = Paildramon + Stingmon

Magnadramon = MagnaAngemon + Angewomon

MetalSeadramon = MegaSeadramon + WaruSeadramon

MetalEtemon = Etemon + Andromon

Omnimon I = WarGreymon + MetalGarurumon

Omnimon II = RealMetalGreymon + WereGarurumon

Puppetmon = WaruMonzaemon + Monzaemon

Rosemon = Lillymon + Myotismon

Seraphimon = MagnaAngemon + Jijimon

SuperStarmon = MarineAngemon + Vademon

Valkyrimon = Garudamon + Sylphymon

VenomMyotismon = Myotismon + LadyDevimon

Vikemon = Zudomon + Shakkoumon


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