Display stand
A display stand is an advertising
Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common...

 tool. It has a direct impact on product sales. From a functional perspective, a display should focus on the consumer
Consumer is a broad label for any individuals or households that use goods generated within the economy. The concept of a consumer occurs in different contexts, so that the usage and significance of the term may vary.-Economics and marketing:...

's wish to purchase goods. It should grab the attention, interest, desire, memory and a series of mental activities. In addition to color, text and graphics and other elements of interior design, it embodies the use of POP advertising functions, display of goods must be met to convey information and sales functions of goods; must have a personal style and structure design.

Important characteristics are appearance, solid structure, free assembly, fast disassembly, convenient transportation. And a beautiful boutique
A boutique is a small shopping outlet, especially one that specializes in elite and fashionable items such as clothing and jewelry. The word is French for "shop", via Latin from Greek ἀποθήκη , "storehouse"....

style display, elegant, and good decorative effect, the product quality to play an extraordinary display of charm.
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