Dolichosaurus is an extinct genus
In biology, a genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia...

 of marine squamate
Squamata, or the scaled reptiles, is the largest recent order of reptiles, including lizards and snakes. Members of the order are distinguished by their skins, which bear horny scales or shields. They also possess movable quadrate bones, making it possible to move the upper jaw relative to the...

 of the Upper Cretaceous Cenomanian
The Cenomanian is, in the ICS' geological timescale the oldest or earliest age of the Late Cretaceous epoch or the lowest stage of the Upper Cretaceous series. An age is a unit of geochronology: it is a unit of time; the stage is a unit in the stratigraphic column deposited during the corresponding...

 chalk deposits of England. Sister-group relationships between coniasaurs, dolichosaurs, Aigialosauridae and Mosasauridae are an unresolved polytomy. The paleobiology of Dolichosaurus is reconstructed as similar to coniasaurs, nothosaurs, and modern sea snakes.

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