Dome Publishing
Dome Publishing, founded in 1940 by CPA
Certified Public Accountant
Certified Public Accountant is the statutory title of qualified accountants in the United States who have passed the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination and have met additional state education and experience requirements for certification as a CPA...

 Nicholas Picchione, publishes a series of ledger
A ledger is the principal book or computer file for recording and totaling monetary transactions by account, with debits and credits in separate columns and a beginning balance and ending balance for each account. The ledger is a permanent summary of all amounts entered in supporting journals which...

s designed to simplify the bookkeeping
Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions. Transactions include sales, purchases, income, receipts and payments by an individual or organization. Bookkeeping is usually performed by a bookkeeper. Bookkeeping should not be confused with accounting. The accounting process is usually...

 process for small businesses (especially those whose personnel are not experienced in bookkeeping and accounting), as well as software based on their ledgers and several ergonomic products for use in business and other settings. Their flagship products are their weekly and monthly ledgers, though Dome also sells books for personal finance
Personal finance
Personal finance is the application of the principles of finance to the monetary decisions of an individual or family unit. It addresses the ways in which individuals or families obtain, budget, save, and spend monetary resources over time, taking into account various financial risks and future...

 and other record keeping.

Dome also publishes several of their books co-branded with Avon and targets them towards home-based and multi-level marketing
Multi-level marketing
Multi-level marketing is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation...

 businesses, as well as a Spanish language edition of their monthly ledger.

With one of the most popular products for pencil-and-paper accounting, Dome products offers a small business accounting software program called Dome Accounting By Computer .


The Dome accounting method used in their Weekly and Monthly Bookkeeping Records is essentially a simplified form of single-entry bookkeeping. Each standard accounting ledger begins with a basic introduction to accounting and a summary of US tax law, followed by a ledger section, which consists of a series of pages to record business expenditures followed by a summation page that lists daily receipts next to a categorized summary of expenditures; after this is a balance sheet and a summary sheet for tax purposes. After the ledger section in the monthly edition, a payroll section with a similar organization follows.
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