Doorknock Dinners
Doorknock Dinners is a program that aired on Food TV in the late 1990's. The program featured Gordon Elliot taking a guest chef (or himself) into the home of a busy person/household and cooking the family a dinner using only the items they had in their home.
Doorknock Dinners is most notable for giving Paula Deen
and Tyler Florence attention, landing Deen a television program, Paula's Home Cooking, that first aired in November 2002.
Doorknock Dinners is most notable for giving Paula Deen
Paula Deen
Paula Deen American cook, cooking show host, restaurateur, author, actress and Emmy Award-winning television personality.Deen resides in Savannah, Georgia, where she owns and operates...
and Tyler Florence attention, landing Deen a television program, Paula's Home Cooking, that first aired in November 2002.