Draba is a large genus of cruciferous
s, commonly known as whitlow-grasses. There are over 400 species:
Brassicaceae, a medium sized and economically important family of flowering plants , are informally known as the mustards, mustard flowers, the crucifers or the cabbage family....
Plants are living organisms belonging to the kingdom Plantae. Precise definitions of the kingdom vary, but as the term is used here, plants include familiar organisms such as trees, flowers, herbs, bushes, grasses, vines, ferns, mosses, and green algae. The group is also called green plants or...
s, commonly known as whitlow-grasses. There are over 400 species:
- Draba abajoensis Windham & Al-Shehbaz
- Draba × abiskoensis O.E.Schulz
- Draba × abiskojokkensis O.E.Schulz
- Draba acaulis Boiss.
- Draba affghanica Boiss.
- Draba aizoidesDraba aizoidesDraba aizoides is a species of Draba, known as yellow whitlow-grass.-Description:Draba aizoides is a perennial plant, with a basal rosette of linear, entire leaves...
L. - Draba alajica Litv.
- Draba alberti Regel & Schmalh.
- Draba albertinaDraba albertinaDraba albertina is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known as slender draba or slender whitlow-grass. This plant is native to western North America, where it grows at high elevations from Arizona to Alaska and northern Canada. Like many species of Draba, it can grow in alpine and...
Greene - Draba alchemilloides Gilg
- Draba × algida Adams ex DC.
- Draba alpina L.
- Draba altaica (C.A.Mey.) Bunge
- Draba alticola Kom.
- Draba alyssoides Humb. & Bonpl. ex DC.
- Draba × amandae O.E.Schulz
- Draba × ambigua Ledeb.
- Draba amoena O.E.Schulz
- Draba amplexicaulis Franch.
- Draba aprica Beadle
- Draba arabisans Michx.
- Draba araboides Wedd.
- Draba araratica Rupr.
- Draba arauquensis Santana
- Draba arbuscula Hook.f.
- Draba arctogena (Ekman) Ekman
- Draba aretioidesDraba aretioidesDraba aretioides is a species of flowering plant in the Brassicaceae family.It is found only in Ecuador.Its natural habitat is rocky areas.-Source:* León-Yánez, S. & Pitman, N. 2003. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Humb. & Bonpl. ex DC. - Draba argentifolia Al-Shehbaz
- Draba argyrea Rydb.
- Draba arida C.L.Hitchc.
- Draba arseniewii (B.Fedtsch.) Gilg ex Tolm.
- Draba aspera Bertol.
- Draba × asplundii O.E.Schulz
- Draba asprella Greene
- Draba asterophoraDraba asterophoraDraba asterophora is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name Lake Tahoe draba. It is native to the High Sierra Nevada of California and western Nevada around the Lake Tahoe area. It is a squat perennial herb which forms small mats in rocky habitat in the alpine...
Payson - Draba atacamensis Gilg
- Draba atuelica Chodat & Wilczek
- Draba aubrietioides Jafri
- Draba aurea Vahl ex Hornem.
- Draba aureolaDraba aureolaDraba aureola is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known as the Mt. Lassen draba or Mt. Lassen whitlow-grass. This plant is native to the Cascade Range of western North America, where it grows at elevations above 2000 meters. This is usually a perennial plant found growing in rocky...
S.Watson - Draba australis R.Br. ex Hook.f.
- Draba azorellicola O.E.Schulz
- Draba bagmatiensis Al-Shehbaz
- Draba baicalensis Tolm.
- Draba bajtenovii Veselova
- Draba barclayana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba bartholomewii Al-Shehbaz
- Draba beamanii Rollins
- Draba bellardii S.F.Blake
- Draba bertiscea Lakusic & Stevanovic
- Draba bhutanica H.Hara
- Draba bifurcata (C.L.Hitchc.) Al-Shehbaz & Windham
- Draba × blyttii O.E.Schulz
- Draba bocheri Gjaerev. & Ryvarden
- Draba boliviana O.E.Schulz
- Draba × borderi O.E.Schulz
- Draba borealis DC.
- Draba boyacana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba brachycarpa Nutt.
- Draba brachystemon DC.
- Draba brachystylis Rydb.
- Draba brackenridgei A.Gray
- Draba × brandtii O.E.Schulz
- Draba breweriDraba breweriDraba breweri is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name cushion draba. With Draba cana now considered a variety of this species, it is distributed throughout much of North America, including much of Canada and the western United States. The less widespread var....
S.Watson - Draba bruniifolia Steven
- Draba bryoides DC.
- Draba burkartiana O.E.Schulz
- Draba burkei (C.L.Hitchc.) Windham & Beilstein
- Draba × buschii O.E.Schulz
- Draba cachemirica Gand.
- Draba cacuminum E.Ekman
- Draba calcicola O.E.Schulz
- Draba californicaDraba californicaDraba californica is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known as the California draba. This is an uncommon plant found at elevations over 3000 meters in the Inyo Mountains of California and the nearby White Mountains of California and Nevada. This is a small perennial herb generally...
(Jeps.) Rollins & R.A.Price - Draba cana Rydb.
- Draba cantabriae (Laínz) Laínz
- Draba cappadocica Boiss. & Balansa
- Draba cardaminiflora Kom.
- Draba carnosulaDraba carnosulaDraba carnosula is a rare species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name Mt. Eddy draba. It is endemic to the Klamath Mountains of far northern California, where it is known from fewer than twenty occurrences at Mount Eddy and other peaks in the range. This is a perennial...
O.E.Schulz - Draba chamissonis G.Don
- Draba cheiranthoides Hook.f.
- Draba chionophila S.F.Blake
- Draba chodatii O.E.Schulz
- Draba cholaensis W.W.Sm.
- Draba chrysantha S.Watson
- Draba cinerea Adams
- Draba cocuyana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba cocuyensis Santana & J.O.Rangel
- Draba compacta Schott, Nyman & Kotschy
- Draba corrugataDraba corrugataDraba corrugata is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name Southern California draba. It is native to the mountain ranges of southern California and Baja California, where it grows in rocky areas. This is a biennial or perennial herb forming a cushiony basal...
S.Watson - Draba corymbosa R.Br. ex DC.
- Draba crassa Rydb.
- Draba crassifolia Graham
- Draba cretica Boiss. & Heldr.
- Draba cruciataDraba cruciataDraba cruciata is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known as the Mineral King draba. This is an uncommon plant endemic to California, where it is known only from the Sierra Nevada in Tulare County. It was named for Mineral King, a historic valley in the area. This plant is a squat,...
Payson - Draba cryptantha Hook.f.
- Draba cuatrecasana J.O.Rangel & Santana
- Draba cuneifoliaDraba cuneifoliaDraba cuneifolia is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known as the wedgeleaf draba or wedgeleaf whitlow-grass. This annual plant is native to the southern half of North America where it grows in open, rocky fields and disturbed areas. The plant forms a basal cluster of leaves,...
Nutt. - Draba cusickii C.B.Rob. ex O.E.Schulz
- Draba cuspidata M.Bieb.
- Draba cuzcoensis O.E.Schulz
- Draba czuensis Revuschkin & A.L.Ebel
- Draba darwasica Lipsky
- Draba daurica DC.
- Draba × davosiana Brügger
- Draba × decipiens O.E.Schulz
- Draba dedeana Boiss. & Reut.
- Draba demareei Wiggins
- Draba densifoliaDraba densifoliaDraba densifolia is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known as the denseleaf draba. This small perennial is native to western North America, where it is found in mountain environments above 2000 meters from California to Alaska to Wyoming. The plant forms cushion-like mats of small...
Nutt. - Draba depressa Hook.f.
- Draba diazii Rivas Mart., M.E.García & Penas
- Draba discoidea Wedd.
- Draba × districta O.E.Schulz
- Draba diversifolia Boiss. & A.Huet
- Draba dolomitica Buttler
- Draba dorneri Heuff.
- Draba draboides (Maxim.) Al-Shehbaz
- Draba dubia Suter
- Draba ecuadorianaDraba ecuadorianaDraba ecuadoriana is a species of flowering plant in the Brassicaceae family.It is found only in Ecuador.Its natural habitat is rocky areas.It is threatened by habitat loss.-References:* León-Yánez, S. & Pitman, N. 2003. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Al-Shehbaz - Draba × ekmaniana Weingerl
- Draba elata Hook.f. & Thomson
- Draba elegans Boiss.
- Draba elisabethae N.Busch
- Draba ellipsoidea Hook.f. & Thomson
- Draba eriopoda Turcz. ex Ledeb.
- Draba extensaDraba extensaDraba extensa is a species of flowering plant in the Brassicaceae family.It is found only in Ecuador.Its natural habitat is rocky areas.It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:* León-Yánez, S. & Pitman, N. 2003. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
Wedd. - Draba exuguiculata (O.E.Schulz) C.L.Hitchc.
- Draba falconeri O.E.Schulz
- Draba farsetioides Linden & Planch.
- Draba fedtschenkoi Gilg ex Tolm.
- Draba × ficta Camus ex Hayek
- Draba fladnizensisDraba fladnizensisDraba fladnizensis is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common names arctic draba, Austrian draba, and white arctic whitlow-grass. It has a circumpolar distribution, occurring throughout the northern latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. It is present in Europe, Asia,...
Wulfen - Draba fuhaiensis Z.X.An
- Draba funckiana Linden & Planch.
- Draba funckii (Turcz.) Al-Shehbaz
- Draba funiculosa Hook.f.
- Draba gilliesii Hook. & Arn.
- Draba glabella Pursh
- Draba glacialis Adams
- Draba glomerata Royle
- Draba gracillima Hook.f. & Thomson
- Draba graminea Greene
- Draba grandiflora Hook. & Arn. ex Hook.f.
- Draba grayana (Rydb.) C.L.Hitchc.
- Draba hallii Hook.f.
- Draba hammenii Cuatrec. & Cleef
- Draba handelii O.E.Schulz
- Draba haradjianii Rech.f.
- Draba × harry-smithii O.E.Schulz
- Draba haynaldii Stur
- Draba hederifolia Coss.
- Draba helleriana Greene
- Draba hemsleyana Gilg
- Draba herzogii O.E.Schulz
- Draba hidalgensis Calderón
- Draba himachalensis Al-Shehbaz
- Draba hirta L.
- Draba hispanica Boiss.
- Draba hispida Willd.
- Draba hissarica Lipsky
- Draba hitchcockii Rollins
- Draba hookeriDraba hookeriDraba hookeri is a species of flowering plant in the Brassicaceae family.It is found only in Ecuador.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland and rocky areas.It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:...
Walp. - Draba hoppeana Rchb.
- Draba howelliiDraba howelliiDraba howellii is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common names rosette draba and Howell's draba. It is endemic to the Klamath Mountains of northern California and southern Oregon, where it grows in rock crevices. This is a tuft-forming perennial herb, sometimes...
S.Watson - Draba huetii Boiss.
- Draba humillima O.E.Schulz
- Draba hyperborea (L.) Desv.
- Draba hystrix Hook.f. & Thomson
- Draba imeretica (Rupr.) Rupr.
- Draba implexa Rollins
- Draba incana L.
- Draba incerta Payson
- Draba incompta Steven
- Draba incrassataDraba incrassataDraba incrassata is an uncommon species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name Sweetwater Mountains draba. It is endemic to California, where it is known mainly from the Sweetwater Mountains of Mono County. It grows in alpine rock fields on the barren high mountain peaks....
(Rollins) Rollins & R.A.Price - Draba inexpectata S.L.Welsh
- Draba inquisiviana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba insularis Pissjauk
- Draba × intermedia Hegetschw.
- Draba involucrata (W.W.Sm.) W.W.Sm.
- Draba jaegeri Munz & I.M.Johnst.
- Draba japonica Maxim.
- Draba jorullensis Kunth
- Draba jucunda W.W.Sm.
- Draba juvenilis Kom.
- Draba kassii S.L.Welsh
- Draba × kingii O.E.Schulz
- Draba kitadakensis Koidz.
- Draba kluanei G.A.Mulligan
- Draba kodarica O.D.Nikif.
- Draba koeiei Rech.f.
- Draba kongboiana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba korabensis Kümmerle & Degen
- Draba korschinskyi (O. Fedtsch.) Pohle ex O. Fedtsch.
- Draba korshinskyi (O.Fedtsch.) Pohle
- Draba kotschyi Stur
- Draba kuemmerlei Stevan. & D.Lakusic
- Draba kuramensis Yunusov
- Draba kusnezowii (Turcz. ex Ledeb.) Hayek
- Draba kuznetsovii (Turcz.) Hayek
- Draba lacaitae Boiss.
- Draba laconica Stevan. & Kit Tan
- Draba lacteaDraba lacteaDraba lactea is a flower common throughout the high Arctic. It stretches further south in mountainous areas of Norway and Canada....
Adams - Draba ladina Braun-Blanq.
- Draba ladyginii Pohle
- Draba lanceolata Royle
- Draba lapaziana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba × larssonii O.E.Schulz
- Draba lasiocarpa Rochel
- Draba lasiophylla Royle
- Draba × lastrungica O.E.Schulz
- Draba × lattinicciae Gamisans
- Draba laurentiana Fernald
- Draba lemmonii S.Watson
- Draba lichiangensis W.W.Sm.
- Draba × lindblomii O.E.Schulz
- Draba lindenii (Hook.) Planch. ex Sprague
- Draba linearifolia L.L.Lou & T.Y.Cheo
- Draba lipskyi Tolm.
- Draba litamo L.Uribe
- Draba loayzana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba loiseleurii Boiss.
- Draba lonchocarpa Rydb.
- Draba longisiliqua Schmalh. ex Akinf.
- Draba ludlowiana Jafri
- Draba lunkii V.I.Dorof.
- Draba lutescens Coss.
- Draba macbeathiana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba macleanii Hook.f.
- Draba macounii O.E.Schulz
- Draba magadanensis Berkut. & A.P.Khokhr.
- Draba magellanica Lam.
- Draba maguirei C.L.Hitchc.
- Draba majae Berkut. & A.P.Khokhr.
- Draba malpighiacea Windham & Al-Shehbaz
- Draba marinellii (Pamp.) O.E.Schulz
- Draba matangensis O.E.Schulz
- Draba matthioloides Gilg ex O.E.Schulz
- Draba melanopus Kom.
- Draba meskhetica Chinth.
- Draba micheorum Al-Shehbaz
- Draba × microcarpa (Trautv.) O.E.Schulz
- Draba microcarpella A.N.Vassiljeva & Golosk.
- Draba micropetala Hook.
- Draba mieheorum Al-Shehbaz
- Draba mingrelica Schischk. ex Grossh.
- Draba × mixta O.E.Schulz
- Draba mogollonica Greene
- Draba mollissima Steven
- Draba mongolica Turcz.
- Draba monoensisDraba monoensisDraba monoensis is an uncommon species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common names White Mountains draba and Mono draba. It is endemic to Mono County, California, where it grows in moist, rocky habitat in the alpine climate of the White Mountains. It is a small perennial herb...
Rollins & R.A.Price - Draba montbretiana Sommier & Levier
- Draba muralis L.
- Draba murrayi G.A.Mulligan
- Draba nana Stapf
- Draba narmanensis Yild.
- Draba nemorosa L.
- Draba nivalis Lilj.
- Draba nivicola Rose
- Draba norvegica Gunnerus
- Draba nuda (Bél.) Al-Shehbaz & M.Koch
- Draba nylamensis Al-Shehbaz
- Draba oariocarpa O.E.Schulz
- Draba oblongata R.Br. ex DC
- Draba obovataDraba obovataDraba obovata is a species of plant in the Brassicaceae family. It is endemic to Ecuador.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland and rocky areas....
Benth. - Draba ochroleuca Bunge
- Draba ochropetala O.E.Schulz
- Draba odudiana Lipsky
- Draba ogilviensis Hultén
- Draba olgae Regel & Schmalh.
- Draba oligosperma Hook.
- Draba olympicoides Strobl
- Draba oreades Schrenk
- Draba oreadum Maire
- Draba oreibata J.F.Macbr. & Payson
- Draba oreodoxa W.W.Sm.
- Draba ossetica (Rupr.) Sommier & Levier
- Draba ovibovina (E.Ekman) E.Ekman
- Draba oxycarpa Sommerf.
- Draba pacheri Stur
- Draba pachythyrsa Triana & Planch.
- Draba paishanensis T.Mori
- Draba pakistanica Jafri
- Draba palanderiana Kjellm.
- Draba pamirica (O.Fedtsch.) Pohle
- Draba pamplonensis Planch. & Linden ex Triana & Planch.
- Draba parnassica Boiss.
- Draba parviflora (Regel) O.E.Schulz
- Draba pauciflora R.Br.
- Draba paucifructa Clokey & C.L.Hitchc.
- Draba paysonii J.F.Macbr.
- Draba pectinipila Rollins
- Draba pedicellata (Rollins & R.A.Price) Windham
- Draba pennell-hazenii O.E.Schulz
- Draba pennellii Rollins
- Draba × perdubia O.E.Schulz
- Draba peruviana (DC.) O.E.Schulz
- Draba petrophila Greene
- Draba physocarpa Kom.
- Draba pickeringii A.Gray
- Draba × pilgeri O.E.Schulz
- Draba pilosa Adams ex DC.
- Draba platycarpa Torr. & A.Gray
- Draba pohlei Tolm.
- Draba poluniniana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba polyphylla O.E.Schulz
- Draba polytricha Ledeb.
- Draba popocatepetlensis Hemsl.
- Draba porsildii Mulligan
- Draba praealta Greene
- Draba primuloides Turcz.
- Draba pseudocheiranthoides Al-Shehbaz
- Draba × pseudonivalis N.Busch
- Draba × pseudovesicaria O.E.Schulz
- Draba pterospermaDraba pterospermaDraba pterosperma is an uncommon species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name wingedseed draba. It is endemic to Siskiyou County, California, where it is known only from the Marble and Salmon Mountains of the Klamath Range. It is a small perennial herb forming dense...
Payson - Draba pulchella Willd. ex DC.
- Draba pulcherrima Gilg
- Draba pulvinata Turcz.
- Draba pusilla F.Phil. ex Phil.
- Draba pycnophylla Turcz.
- Draba pygmaea Turcz. ex N.Busch
- Draba radicans Royle
- Draba ramosissima Desv.
- Draba ramulosaDraba ramulosaDraba ramulosa is a rare species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common names Mt. Belknap draba and Tushar Mountain draba. It is endemic to Utah, where it is known only from Mt. Belknap in the Tushar Mountains in Beaver and Piute Counties.This small plant has creeping, hairy...
Rollins - Draba rectifructa C.L.Hitchc.
- Draba remotiflora O.E.Schulz
- Draba reptans (Lam.) Fernald
- Draba rigida Willd.
- Draba ritacuvana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba riveti Benoist
- Draba rositae Santana & J.O.Rangel
- Draba rosularis Boiss.
- Draba ruaxes Payson & H.St.John
- Draba sachalinensis (Schmidt) Trautv.
- Draba sagasteguii Al-Shehbaz
- Draba sakuraii Makino
- Draba sambukii Tolm.
- Draba sanctae-martae O.E.Schulz
- Draba sapozhnikovii A.L.Ebel
- Draba sarycheleki Veselova
- Draba sauteri Hoppe
- Draba scabra C.A.Mey.
- Draba × schaeferi O.E.Schulz
- Draba schultzei O.E.Schulz
- Draba schusteri O.E.Schulz
- Draba scopulorum Wedd.
- Draba scotteri G.A.Mulligan
- Draba sekiyana Ohwi
- Draba senilis O.E.Schulz
- Draba sericea Santana & J.O.Rangel
- Draba serpentinaDraba serpentinaDraba serpentina is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name serpentine draba. It is endemic to Nevada in the United States, where it occurs in the Snake Range in White Pine County and the Toiyabe Range of Lander County.Until 2007 this taxon was treated as a...
(Tiehm & P.K.Holmgren) Al-Shehbaz & Windham - Draba setosa Royle
- Draba sharsmithiiDraba sharsmithiiDraba sharsmithii is an uncommon species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common names Mt. Whitney draba and Sharsmith's draba.-Description:...
Rollins & R.A.Price - Draba sherriffii Grierson
- Draba shiroumana Makino
- Draba sibirica (Pall.) Thell.
- Draba sierraeDraba sierraeDraba sierrae is an uncommon species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common name Sierra draba. It is endemic to the central Sierra Nevada of California, where it is known from just a few occurrences in rocky alpine habitat. It is a perennial herb forming small, dense cushions...
Sharsm. - Draba sikkimensis (Hook.f. & T.Anderson) Pohle
- Draba siliquosa M.Bieb.
- Draba simmonsii Elven & Al-Shehbaz
- Draba simonkaiana Jáv.
- Draba smithii Gilg & O.E.Schulz
- Draba sobolifera Rydb.
- Draba solitaria O.E.Schulz
- Draba soratensis Wedd.
- Draba spectabilis Greene
- Draba sphaerocarpa J.F.Macbr. & Payson
- Draba sphaeroides Payson
- Draba splendensDraba splendensDraba splendens is a species of flowering plant in the Brassicaceae family.It is found only in Ecuador.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland and rocky areas.It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:...
Gilg - Draba × spreadhoroughii O.E.Schulz
- Draba spruceanaDraba spruceanaDraba spruceana is a species of flowering plant in the Brassicaceae family.It is found only in Ecuador.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland and rocky areas.It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:...
Wedd. - Draba staintonii Jafri ex H.Hara
- Draba standleyi J.F.Macbr. & Payson
- Draba stellata Jacq.
- Draba stenobotrys Gilg & O.E.Schulz
- Draba stenocarpa Hook.f. & Thomson
- Draba stenoloba Ledeb.
- Draba stenopetala Trautv.
- Draba steyermarkiiDraba steyermarkiiDraba steyermarkii is a species of flowering plant in the Brassicaceae family.It is found only in Ecuador.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist montanes and subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland....
Al-Shehbaz - Draba strasseri Greuter
- Draba streptobrachia R.A.Price
- Draba streptocarpa A.Gray
- Draba × sturii Strobl
- Draba stylaris J.Gay ex W.D.J.Koch
- Draba stylosaDraba stylosaDraba stylosa is a species of flowering plant in the Brassicaceae family.It is found only in Ecuador.Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland.It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:...
Turcz. - Draba subalpina Goodman & C.L.Hitchc.
- Draba subamplexicaulis C.A.Mey.
- Draba subcapitata Simmons
- Draba subfladnizensis Kuvaev
- Draba subglabrata (Speg.) O.E.Schulz
- Draba subnivalis Braun-Blanq.
- Draba subsecunda Sommier & Levier
- Draba subumbellataDraba subumbellataDraba subumbellata is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by several common names, including parasol draba, mound draba, and White Mountains cushion draba. This small perennial plant is native to the White Mountains which straddle the California-Nevada state line and the Inyo...
Rollins & R.A.Price - Draba sunhangiana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba supranivalis Rupr.
- Draba supravillosa A.P.Khokhr.
- Draba surculosa Franch.
- Draba taimyrensis Tolm.
- Draba talassica Pohle
- Draba tenerrima O.E.Schulz
- Draba thlaspiformis (Phil.) Al-Shehbaz
- Draba thylacocarpa (Nábelek) Hedge
- Draba tibetica Hook.f. & Thomson
- Draba tichomirovii Kozhevn.
- Draba tomentosa Clairv.
- Draba × tornensis O.E.Schulz
- Draba trichocarpa Rollins
- Draba trinervis O.E.Schulz
- Draba tschuktschorum Trautv.
- Draba tucumanensis O.E.Schulz
- Draba turczaninowii Pohle & N.Busch
- Draba × uczkolensis B.Fedtsch.
- Draba × ursorum Gand.
- Draba ussuriensis Pohle
- Draba venezuelana Al-Shehbaz
- Draba ventosa A.Gray
- Draba vesicaria Desv.
- Draba violaceaDraba violaceaDraba violacea is a species of flowering plant in the Brassicaceae family.It is found only in Ecuador.Its natural habitat is rocky areas.It is threatened by habitat loss.-References:* León-Yánez, S. & Pitman, N. 2003. . Downloaded on 20 July 2007....
DC. - Draba volcanica Benth.
- Draba vvedenskyi Kovalevsk.
- Draba weberi R.A.Price & Rollins
- Draba wiemannii (O.E.Schulz) Hand.-Mazz.
- Draba × wilczekii O.E.Schulz
- Draba winterbottomii (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pohle
- Draba wurdackii Al-Shehbaz
- Draba yueii Al-Shehbaz
- Draba yukonensis A.E.Porsild
- Draba yunnanensis Franch.
- Draba yunussovii Tolm.
- Draba zangbeiensis L.L.Lu