Drillbit (film)
Drillbit is a low-budget short horror film
Horror film
Horror films seek to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's most primal fears. They often feature scenes that startle the viewer through the means of macabre and the supernatural, thus frequently overlapping with the fantasy and science fiction genres...

 directed by Alex Chandon
Alex Chandon
Alexis Chandon is a film director, writer and digital artist.-Directing career:His early films, Drillbit and Bad Karma featured many musicians from the UK anarcho punk scene, notably Ben Bethell, Dan MacCintyre, William 'Bill' Corbett and Julian Portinari from, The Apostles and Pallor,...

 and stars Ben Befell, Tom Cox and Saul Brignell.


An employee detects a pharmaceutical company's sinister plan within the executive office, he will be wiped out and his entire family. Only his son Brian survived, although it was rammed in a drill into the skull and recognizes only one thought: revenge!


  • Ben Befell
  • Saul Brignell
  • Bill Corbett as Zombie Raver
  • Tom Cox
  • Just
  • Neil Keenan as Biker Gang Member / Aids Mutant
  • Miranda Morten
  • Lino Raffa as Goon
  • Dom Hailstone
  • Matt "Magnum 'The rat'" Russell


The film was narrated by Jim Van Bebber
Jim Van Bebber
Jim Van Bebber is an American film director. Van Bebber attended Wright State University where he studied cinema. Instead of using a bank loan to pay for a second year of college, he used the money to finance Deadbeat at Dawn, and founded the indie film company Asmodeus Productions with several...

and the Special FX was created from Duncan Jarman and Dom Hailstone.
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