Dwight Kemper
Dwight Kemper is the author of three mystery novels, Who Framed Boris Karloff?, Bela Lugosi and the House of Doom, and The Vampire's Tomb Mystery. The first two are published by Midnight Marquee Press, the third by Helm Publishing. All three books deal with real actors making real films and being involved in fictional mysteries and were each nominated for a Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Award for Book of the Year.


An accomplished character actor with over 22 years stage experience including an engagement at Carnegie Hall in New York City as Sergei Diaghilev in Anna Pavlova, a biographical ballet he co-authored, Kemper recently appeared in the independently produced Sideshow Cinema ghost story, Evan Straw written and directed by Michael Legge
Michael Legge
Michael Legge may refer to:*Michael Legge , Irish comedian*Michael Legge , Northern Ireland-born actor*Michael Legge , American actor and independent filmmaker...

. Legge and the Medway Players performed Kemper's musical comedy, The Wizard of Oz Murders in 2010. Kemper appeared six years on stage as Herr Drosselmeyer in The Nutcracker, as well as Doctor Copellius in Copellia, and Catallebutte in Sleeping Beauty. He is also a stage illusionist and member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. As Murder for Hire’s Producer and host sleuth Detective Chief Inspector Kemper of Scotland Yard, Kemper presents original mystery plays for hotels and bed and breakfasts throughout the United States. Dwight Kemper is also a film critic for Phantom of the Movies' Videoscope
Phantom of the Movies' Videoscope
Phantom of the Movies' Videoscope is an American cult movie magazine that is released four times a year. The publication is edited by Joe Kane and has spawned a reference book entitled The Phantom of the Movies' Videoscope: The Ultimate Guide to the Latest, Greatest, and Weirdest Genre...

 Magazine where he applies his "critical chain saw" to really bad movies. Writing and acting talent runs in Kemper's family. His great, great aunt is author Gertrude Stein
Gertrude Stein
Gertrude Stein was an American writer, poet and art collector who spent most of her life in France.-Early life:...

 and his great uncle is character actor Charles Kemper
Charles Kemper
Charles Kemper was an American stage-trained film character actor born in Oklahoma. The heavy-set film actor had memorable roles in films including The Southerner , Scarlet Street , Gallant Journey , The Shocking Miss Pilgrim , and his last film role as Pop Daly in the film noir On Dangerous Ground...

. Kemper illustrated two of his three novels. "House of Doom" he used a simple pen and India ink style similar to early pulps. "The Vampire's Tomb Mystery" uses a gray scale wash with various shades of India Ink pens on Velum paper.


Video, Film & Television

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