EAE Business School
EAE Business School is a business school, located in Barcelona
Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid, and the capital of Catalonia, with a population of 1,621,537 within its administrative limits on a land area of...

 and Madrid
Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. The population of the city is roughly 3.3 million and the entire population of the Madrid metropolitan area is calculated to be 6.271 million. It is the third largest city in the European Union, after London and Berlin, and its metropolitan...

, Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

, and ranked 4th best business school in Spain according to Ranking MERCO in 2009. EAE stands for Escuela de Administración de Empresas. Created in 1958 it is one of the most prestigious business schools in Spain. It is associated with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, the University of Barcelona
University of Barcelona
The University of Barcelona is a public university located in the city of Barcelona, Catalonia in Spain. It is a member of the Coimbra Group, LERU, European University Association, Mediterranean Universities Union, International Research Universities Network and Vives Network...

, and Universidad Camilo José Cela
Universidad Camilo José Cela
Camilo José Cela University was established in 2000 and it is part of the Educational Institution SEK -Saint Stanislaus Kostka- founded in 1892. UCJC currently offers a wide range of academic qualifications, more than 40 graduate programmes and 50 postgraduate programmes...

. Besides the Barcelona and Madrid campuses, the school's students are able to study a semester abroad in Paris or New York.


EAE Business School was founded in 1958 in response to the needs arising from the dramatic growth of the industrial and service sectors.

With more than 50 years experience in executive and business education EAE is today an international Business School that has provided training for more than 56,000 executives and managers. Every year students from more than 45 nationalities gain professional qualification at EAE to hold positions of responsibility within the business world.

Since January 2007 EAE is part of Grupo Planeta -world leader in generation and publishing of management contents- that promotes its business higher education project. Our links with Grupo Planeta highlight EAE sound experience and place us in a privileged position among the Spanish and International business schools.

The school

Since 1958, EAE is an International Business School specialised in training executives and professionals. EAE main objective meeting the training needs of people pursuing their professional development in Business Administration and to enhance their knowledge and skills in specialist management areas. Every year students acquire management qualifications at EAE to hold positions of responsibility within the business world. EAE programmes are market-oriented to contribute to a global view of the company according to real business. EAE is committed to provide an innovative and comprehensive education that gives answer to people and society training needs supported by our experience in traditional and online business education.

UPC Associated Centre

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) was founded in 1971 and since then it has become a benchmark for technical studies in Spain. Teaching and research activity at UPC is considered among the best in Europe.

More than 40 different degrees, three-year and four-year qualifications, and more than 10 doctorate programmes can be taken at UPC. Teaching and research activities are an international benchmark for engineers, architecture offices, high-tech companies, production processes, logistics, telecommunications or information systems.

EAE is proud of being a member of UPC Community and collaborate in the educational training of specialists and managers.

UCJC Partner Centre

Camilo José Cela University was established in 2000 and it is part of the Education Institution SEK -San Estanislao de Kostka- founded in 1892. UCJC currently offers a wide range of academic qualifications, more than 40 graduate programmes and 50 postgraduate programmes. UCJC also offers other courses aimed at university students and professionals through its special professorships and Institutions.

Camilo José Cela University considers the process of European convergence as an opportunity. There are 12 graduate degrees adapted to the European Area and 10 European Master degrees delivered in partnership with EAE. EAE and UCJC have put together their educational experience and specialised knowledge to design, develop and deliver the master programme adapting their university systems to the new European framework.

Madrid Campus

EAE Madrid campus site is located right in the financial centre of the city (Menéndez Pidal, 43) very close to Plaza de Castilla. EAE Business School offers a choice of European Master Courses adapted to the European Higher Education Area in partnership with Camilo José Cela University (UCJC) at the campus in Madrid. At EAE Madrid students have also access to great cultural and sports facilities located at the UCJC campus.

Students from all over the world who are seeking an international career are attracted by the courses on offer at EAE Madrid. Madrid is Spain's political, economic and social centre and it offers the possibility to have a training experience in an international city.

ISO 9001 international certification

EAE, the first Business School in Spain to obtain the 9001 ISO International Quality Certification, is continually striving to offer the highest standards of education adapted to the business environment and to achieve high levels of student satisfaction.

The ISO International Certification promotes quality in all processes within the Institution and helps to identify, plan and implement improvements in the design of courses and services. EAE's quality philosophy of learning is highly appreciated by companies and students and it increases their loyalty and satisfaction of having received business training in a prestigious Institution.

The ISO International Quality Certification implies the implementation of a continuous improvement process in teaching through the assessment of all processes developed at EAE. The application of ISO 9001 promotes excellence in teaching and learning and helps achieve quality in training and services offered to students and in all its areas of operation

Academic affiliations

EAE is a full member of AEEDE (Spanish Association of Business Management Schools); EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), EBEN (European Business Ethics Network), ForQ (Association for Quality in Training), CLADEA (Latin American Council of MBA Schools) and AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).

Institutional Websites

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