Ecumenical Apologetics
Ecumenical Apologetics is "an explanation (defense) of the Christian Faith, in an ecumenical fashion"; presenting a defense of the faith while advocating and recognizing "a greater sense of shared spirituality" with those of other faiths.

While neither apologetics
Apologetics is the discipline of defending a position through the systematic use of reason. Early Christian writers Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is the discipline of defending a position (often religious) through the systematic use of reason. Early Christian writers...

 nor ecumenism
Ecumenism or oecumenism mainly refers to initiatives aimed at greater Christian unity or cooperation. It is used predominantly by and with reference to Christian denominations and Christian Churches separated by doctrine, history, and practice...

 is a new term, "Ecumenical Apologetics" came into use early in the 21st Century in an effort to combine the two, which were previously presumed to be opposing efforts or ideas. Likewise, both apologetics
Apologetics is the discipline of defending a position through the systematic use of reason. Early Christian writers Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is the discipline of defending a position (often religious) through the systematic use of reason. Early Christian writers...

 and ecumenism
Ecumenism or oecumenism mainly refers to initiatives aimed at greater Christian unity or cooperation. It is used predominantly by and with reference to Christian denominations and Christian Churches separated by doctrine, history, and practice...

 are terms used by people of varying faiths; however, at the time of this writing, the term is used primarily, if not exclusively, to refer to a form of Christian Apologetics
Christian apologetics
Christian apologetics is a field of Christian theology that aims to present a rational basis for the Christian faith, defend the faith against objections, and expose the perceived flaws of other world views...


Notable Related Books

  • Fr. Benedict M. Ashley, Choosing a World-View and Value-System: An Ecumenical Apologetics. Published by Alba House (May 2000).
  • Konrad Raiser, Ecumenism in Transition: A Paradigm Shift in the Ecumenical Movement. Published by World Council of Churches (October 1991).
  • George E. Griener, Ernst Troeltsch and Herman Schell: Christianity and the World Religions : An Ecumenical Contribution to the History of Apologetics. Published by Peter Lang Pub Inc. (June 1990).

Notable Related Websites

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