Edoardo Catemario
Edoardo Catemario is an Italian classical guitarist
Classical guitar
The classical guitar is a 6-stringed plucked string instrument from the family of instruments called chordophones...



Edoardo Catemario was born in Naples
Naples is a city in Southern Italy, situated on the country's west coast by the Gulf of Naples. Lying between two notable volcanic regions, Mount Vesuvius and the Phlegraean Fields, it is the capital of the region of Campania and of the province of Naples...

. He studied guitar with Salvatore Canino, Antimo Pedata, José Tomás
José Tomás
José Tomás Pérez Selles , was a Spanish classical guitarist and teacher. Considered a major influence on the evolution of classical guitar technique in the second half of the 20th century, he trained many guitarists from all over the world.-Biography:José Tomás was born in Alicante and began his...

, Stefano Aruta and Maria Luisa Anido
María Luisa Anido
María Luisa Anido was a Spanish classical guitarist. She was born 26 January 1907 in Morón, in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina; she died 4 June 1996 in Tarragona, Spain, and was buried there.-Biography:...

, piano and analysis with Titina De Fazio and the South American composers Leo Brouwer
Leo Brouwer
Juan Leovigildo Brouwer Mezquida is a Cuban composer, conductor and guitarist. He is the grandson of Cuban composer Ernestina Lecuona Casado.-Biography:...

 and Oscar Casares. At the age of 11 gave his first solo recital.

In January 1991 Catemario was the first prize winner of the "Andrés Segovia
Andrés Segovia
Andrés Torres Segovia, 1st Marquis of Salobreña , known as Andrés Segovia, was a virtuoso Spanish classical guitarist from Linares, Jaén, Andalucia, Spain...

" guitar competition in Almuñécar
Almuñécar is a municipality in the Spanish Autonomous Region of Andalusia on the Costa Tropical between Nerja and Motril . It has a subtropical climate...

, and in 1992 of the Michele Pittaluga International Classical Guitar Competition
Michele Pittaluga International Classical Guitar Competition
The "Michele Pittaluga" International Classical Guitar Competition is an annual music competition for young classical guitarists held in Alessandria, Italy. It was founded in 1968 and has earned an international reputation, entering membership of the World Federation of International Music...

 in Alessandria
-Monuments:* The Citadel * The church of Santa Maria di Castello * The church of Santa Maria del Carmine * Palazzo Ghilini * Università del Piemonte Orientale-Museums:* The Marengo Battle Museum...


His performances include the romantic
Romantic music
Romantic music or music in the Romantic Period is a musicological and artistic term referring to a particular period, theory, compositional practice, and canon in Western music history, from 1810 to 1900....

 repertoire (played on original instruments
Historically informed performance
Historically informed performance is an approach in the performance of music and theater. Within this approach, the performance adheres to state-of-the-art knowledge of the aesthetic criteria of the period in which the music or theatre work was conceived...

), baroque
Baroque music
Baroque music describes a style of Western Classical music approximately extending from 1600 to 1760. This era follows the Renaissance and was followed in turn by the Classical era...

, 20th century music
20th century classical music
20th century classical music was without a dominant style and highly diverse.-Introduction:At the turn of the century, music was characteristically late Romantic in style. Composers such as Gustav Mahler and Jean Sibelius were pushing the bounds of Post-Romantic Symphonic writing...

, contemporary
Contemporary classical music
Contemporary classical music can be understood as belonging to the period that started in the mid-1970s with the retreat of modernism. However, the term may also be employed in a broader sense to refer to all post-1945 modern musical forms.-Categorization:...

 and avant-garde
Avant-garde means "advance guard" or "vanguard". The adjective form is used in English to refer to people or works that are experimental or innovative, particularly with respect to art, culture, and politics....

 music, and include solo, chamber works
Chamber music
Chamber music is a form of classical music, written for a small group of instruments which traditionally could be accommodated in a palace chamber. Most broadly, it includes any art music that is performed by a small number of performers with one performer to a part...

 and concerto
A concerto is a musical work usually composed in three parts or movements, in which one solo instrument is accompanied by an orchestra.The etymology is uncertain, but the word seems to have originated from the conjunction of the two Latin words...

s for guitar and orchestra. He has performed across Europe, the United States and South America in venues such as the Grosser Saal of the Wiener Musikverein (Vienna
Vienna is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's primary city, with a population of about 1.723 million , and is by far the largest city in Austria, as well as its cultural, economic, and political centre...

), Auditorio Nacional de Musica (Madrid
Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. The population of the city is roughly 3.3 million and the entire population of the Madrid metropolitan area is calculated to be 6.271 million. It is the third largest city in the European Union, after London and Berlin, and its metropolitan...

), St John's and the Royal Academy of Music
Royal Academy of Music
The Royal Academy of Music in London, England, is a conservatoire, Britain's oldest degree-granting music school and a constituent college of the University of London since 1999. The Academy was founded by Lord Burghersh in 1822 with the help and ideas of the French harpist and composer Nicolas...

 (London), Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall
Carnegie Hall
Carnegie Hall is a concert venue in Midtown Manhattan in New York City, United States, located at 881 Seventh Avenue, occupying the east stretch of Seventh Avenue between West 56th Street and West 57th Street, two blocks south of Central Park....

 (New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...

), Cité de la Musique
Cité de la Musique
The Cité de la Musique is a group of institutions dedicated to music and situated in the La Villette quarter, 19th arrondissement, Paris, France. It was designed by the architect Christian de Portzamparc and opened in 1995...

Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

), Teatro Coliseo (Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires is the capital and largest city of Argentina, and the second-largest metropolitan area in South America, after São Paulo. It is located on the western shore of the estuary of the Río de la Plata, on the southeastern coast of the South American continent...

), and the Musikhalle
The Laeiszhalle is a concert hall in Hamburg, Germany and home to the Hamburger Symphoniker.The hall is named after the German shipowning company F. Laeisz, founder of the concert venue and was planned by the architect Martin Haller.-External links:...

-History:The first historic name for the city was, according to Claudius Ptolemy's reports, Treva.But the city takes its modern name, Hamburg, from the first permanent building on the site, a castle whose construction was ordered by the Emperor Charlemagne in AD 808...

). He is frequently invited as a guest soloist by various orchestras, and has collaborated with many of the world's chamber musicians. Catemario has recorded for the Decca
Decca Records
Decca Records began as a British record label established in 1929 by Edward Lewis. Its U.S. label was established in late 1934; however, owing to World War II, the link with the British company was broken for several decades....

, ARTS Music, and Koch Schwann labels.

As a teacher, he has held master classes
Master class
A master class is a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline—usually music, but also painting, drama, or any of the arts....

 in Europe and the United States. He has taught at the Accademia Musicale di Firenze since 2006. He is also a visiting professor at the Royal Academy of Music (London) and taught in the "Sommer Akademie" of the Salzburg Mozarteum from 2001 to 2007.

Catemario is the artistic director of Associazione QuattroQuarti, which organizes several music festivals in Italy. He owns and plays on his collection of old instruments dated between 1890 and 1935.


  • Recuerdos (Decca)
  • Bach for guitar (Decca)
  • Conciertango (ARTS Music)
  • Mauro Giuliani Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra No. 3, Gran Quintetto for Guitar and Strings, Variations for Guitar and String Quartet (ARTS Music)
  • Mauro Giuliani Concertos for guitar and Orchestra n 1 & 2. (ARTS Music)
  • Italian Virtuoso (ARTS Music)
  • Guitar XX (ARTS Music)
  • Astor Piazzolla complete works with guitar. (ARTS Music)
  • Guitar Concertos (ARTS Music)
  • Barocco Napoletano (ARTS Music)
  • Spanish guitar music (ARTS Music)
  • Concierto Sefaradi (Koch Schwann) (no longer available)

External links

Edoardo Catemario official website
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