Eduardo Morera
Eduardo Morera
Eduardo Morera (9 January 1906 - 21 January 1997 in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires is the capital and largest city of Argentina, and the second-largest metropolitan area in South America, after São Paulo. It is located on the western shore of the estuary of the Río de la Plata, on the southeastern coast of the South American continent...

 was an important Argentine
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...

 film director
Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

 of early Argentine cinema in the 1930s

Although his career was relatively short compared to other directors of the period he directed some 18 films between 1930 and 1943 and played an important influence in tango
Tango (dance)
Tango dance originated in the area of the Rio de la Plata , and spread to the rest of the world soon after....

 films such as Así es el tango
Así es el tango
Así es el tango is a 1937 Argentine romantic drama film musical directed and written by Eduardo Morera, based on a play by Florencio Chiarello. Starring Tita Merello and Tito Lusiardo...

in 1937 working with popular actors of the period such as Tita Merello
Tita Merello
Laura Ana Merello best known as Tita Merello was a prominent Argentine film actress, tango dancer and singer...

 and Tito Lusiardo
Tito Lusiardo
Tito Lusiardo was an iconic Argentine film actor and tango singer of the classic era.Lusiardo began acting for film in 1933 and made some 50 film appearances as an actor....



  • Rosas de otoño (1943)
  • Melodías de América (1941)
  • Bebé de contrabando, Un (1940)
  • Así es el tango
    Así es el tango
    Así es el tango is a 1937 Argentine romantic drama film musical directed and written by Eduardo Morera, based on a play by Florencio Chiarello. Starring Tita Merello and Tito Lusiardo...

  • Ya tiene comisario el pueblo (1936)
  • Por buen camino (1935)
  • Idolos de la radio
    Idolos de la radio
    Idols of the Radio is a 1934 Argentine tango film directed by Eduardo Morera and written by Nicolás de las Llanderas and Arnaldo Malfatti. Starring Ada Falcon, Tito Lusiardo and Tita Merello.-Cast:*Ada Falcon*Olinda Bozán*Ignacio Corsini...

  • Diez canciones de Gardel (1931)
  • Añoranzas (1930)
  • Canchero (1930)
  • Carretero, El (1930)
  • Enfundá la mandolina (1930)
  • Mano a mano (1930)
  • Padrino Pelado (1930)
  • Rosas de Otoño (1930)
  • Tengo miedo (1930)
  • Viejo smoking
    Viejo smoking
    Viejo smoking is a 1930 Argentine romantic drama film musical directed and written by Eduardo Morera, based on a play by Florencio Chiarello. Starring Tita Merello and Tito Lusiardo...

  • Yira, yira (1930)

External links

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