- Edward Benson (bishop) (1829–1896), Archbishop of Canterbury
- E. F. Benson (1867–1940), English writer, son of the above
I'm ten years old, my life's half over. And I don't even know if I'm black with white stripes or white with black stripes.
Alex, do not interrupt me when I'm daydreaming. If a zebra's in the zone, leave him alone.
Grand Central Station. It's Grand, and it's Central.
(breaking the silence) It's the man!
Dagnabbit! I missed the express! Looks like I have to take the Stanford local.
Oh sugar, honey, iced tea!
Excuse me. You're biting my butt.
Here come the people, Marty! I love the people! It's fun-people-fun-time!
We can't call the people. They'll be really mad! They'll get Marty transfered for good! You don't bite the hand that feeds ya!
Come on, my little fillet. My little fillet mignon with a little fat around those edges. I like that. I like a little fat on my steak, my sweet, juicy steak. You are a rare delicacy...