Egg (album)
Egg is the 1970 debut album of British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

  prog rock
Progressive rock
Progressive rock is a subgenre of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s as part of a "mostly British attempt to elevate rock music to new levels of artistic credibility." John Covach, in Contemporary Music Review, says that many thought it would not just "succeed the pop of...

 band Egg
Egg (band)
Egg were an English progressive rock band formed in January 1969.-Career:The founding members of the group were Dave Stewart who played organ , Mont Campbell on bass and vocals and drummer Clive Brooks...


Side one

  1. "Bulb" (Peter Gallen) – 0:09
  2. "While Growing My Hair" (Clive Brooks
    Clive Brooks
    Clive Colin Brooks is a drummer, best known for his work in the English progressive rock band Egg.-Uriel/Egg:...

    , Mont Campbell
    Mont Campbell
    Hugo Martin Montgomery Campbell , formerly known as Mont Campbell, now Dirk Campbell is a British progressive rock musician, best known as a member of progressive rock band Egg.-Biography:...

    , Dave Stewart) – 3:53
  3. "I Will Be Absorbed" (Brooks, Campbell, Stewart) – 5:10
  4. "Fugue In D Minor" (Bach) – 2:46
  5. "They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano…" (Brooks, Campbell, Stewart) – 1:17
  6. "The Song Of McGillicudie The Pusillanimous (or don't worry James, your socks are hanging in the coal cellar with Thomas)" (Brooks, Campbell, Stewart) – 5:07
  7. "Boilk" (Brooks, Campbell, Stewart) – 1:00

Side two

  1. "Symphony No. 2" (Brooks, Campbell, Stewart) – 22:26
    • Movement 1
    • Movement 2
    • Blane
    • Movement 4

2005 re-issue

The album was re-issued on CD in February 2005 by Eclectic Discs. Remastered from the original tapes, the re-issue has three bonus tracks, including both sides of the band's first and only single ("Seven Is A Jolly Good Time"/"You Are All Princes") and "Movement 3" from "Symphony No. 2", which was omitted from the original LP due to copyright difficulties.

The track listing is as follows:
  1. "Bulb" – 0:09
  2. "While Growing My Hair" – 4:02
  3. "I Will Be Absorbed" – 5:11
  4. "Fugue In D Minor" (Bach) – 2:49
  5. "They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano…" – 1:21
  6. "The Song Of McGillicudie The Pusillanimous (or don't worry James, your socks are hanging in the coal cellar with Thomas)" – 5:07
  7. "Boilk" – 1:04
  8. "Symphony No. 2" – 23:58
    • Movement 1
    • Movement 2
    • Blane
    • Movement 3
    • Movement 4
  9. "Seven Is A Jolly Good Time" – 2:47
  10. "You Are All Princes" – 3:45


  • Dave Stewart - organ, piano, tone generator
  • Mont Campbell
    Mont Campbell
    Hugo Martin Montgomery Campbell , formerly known as Mont Campbell, now Dirk Campbell is a British progressive rock musician, best known as a member of progressive rock band Egg.-Biography:...

     - bass, vocals
  • Clive Brooks
    Clive Brooks
    Clive Colin Brooks is a drummer, best known for his work in the English progressive rock band Egg.-Uriel/Egg:...

    - drums
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