of children's stories and plays, poetry, biography, history and satire. Many of her works had charming illustrations by Edward Ardizzone
. Some of her correspondence has also been published. She won many literary awards and the prestigious Eleanor Farjeon Award
for children's literature is presented annually in her memory by the Children's Book Circle
, a society of publishers.
Eleanor Farjeon was born in London
, England on 13 February, 1881.
In Arcady there lies a crystal spring Ring'd all about with green melodious reeds Swaying seal'd music up and down the wind. Here on its time-defaced pedestal The image of a half-forgotten God Crumbles to its complete oblivion.
Of troubles know I none, Of pleasures know I many — I rove beneath the sun Without a single penny.
Old sundial, you stand here for Time: For Love, the vine that round your base Its tendrils twines, and dares to climb And lay one flower-capped spray in grace Without the asking on your cold Unsmiling and unfrowning face.
Upon your shattered ruins where This vine will flourish still, as rare, As fresh, as fragrant as of old. Love will not crumble.
Dropt tears have hastened your decay And brought you one step nigher death; And you have heard, unthrilled, unmoved, The music of Love's golden breath And seen the light in eyes that loved.
You think you hold the core and kernel Of all the world beneath your crust, Old dial ? But when you lie in dust, This vine will bloom, strong, green, and proved. Love is eternal.
King's Cross!What shall we do?His Purple RobeIs rent in two!
The little White Chapel is ringing its bellWith a ring-a-ding-dong,All day long
Water, Loo! water, Loo! fetch me some water!There isn't a drop for a mile and a quarter!The ground is so hard and the ground is so dryI'm frightened my little red rose-bush will die.