Elymus elymoides
Elymus elymoides is a species of wild rye
In Greek and Roman mythology, Elymus was the mythical ancestor of the Elymians, natives of Sicily. Elymus was a Trojan, a natural son of Anchises and a brother of Eryx....

 known by the common name squirreltail. This grass is native to most of North America west of the Mississippi River
Mississippi River
The Mississippi River is the largest river system in North America. Flowing entirely in the United States, this river rises in western Minnesota and meanders slowly southwards for to the Mississippi River Delta at the Gulf of Mexico. With its many tributaries, the Mississippi's watershed drains...

. It occurs in a number of ecosystems, from alpine forest
Alpine climate
Alpine climate is the average weather for a region above the tree line. This climate is also referred to as mountain climate or highland climate....

 to desert sage scrub
Deserts and xeric shrublands
Deserts and xeric shrublands is a biome characterized by, relating to, or requiring only a small amount of moisture.-Definition and occurrence:...

 to valley grassland
Temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands
Temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands is a terrestrial biome whose predominant vegetation consists of grasses and/or shrubs. The climate is temperate and semi-arid to semi-humid....

Elymus elymoides is a perennial bunch grass growing to around half a meter in height. Its erect solid stems have flat or rolled leaf blades. The inflorescence
An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches. Strictly, it is the part of the shoot of seed plants where flowers are formed and which is accordingly modified...

 is up to 15 centimeters long and somewhat stiff and erect, with spikelets
A raceme is a type of inflorescence that is unbranched and indeterminate and bears pedicellate flowers — flowers having short floral stalks called pedicels — along the axis. In botany, axis means a shoot, in this case one bearing the flowers. In a raceme, the oldest flowers are borne...

 one or two centimeters long not counting the awn, which may be 9 centimeters long and sticks straight out, making the inflorescence look like a bottlebrush.

This grass is considered a very good forage for sheep.

The inhabitants of the earth are of two sorts: Those with brains, but no religion, And those with religion, but no brains.


A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism; but depth in philsophy bringeth men's minds about to religion.

Francis Bacon|Sir Francis Bacon, Essays, 16, "Of Atheism"

Atheism leaves a man to sense, to philosophy, to natural piety, to laws, to reputation; all which may be guides to an outward moral virtue, though religion were not; but superstition dismounts all these, and erecteth an absolute monarchy, in the minds of men.

Sir Francis Bacon, Essays, 16, "Of Superstition"

ATHEISM: A godless religion that retains all the dogmatic posturing of the faiths it so confidently denies, with few of the consolations.

Rick Bayan|Rick Bayan, The Cynic's Dictionary, unidentified ISBN/edition, unidentified chapter/page
