Energy Matters
Energy Matters was the title of a magazine published by students at the University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge is a public research university located in Cambridge, United Kingdom. It is the second-oldest university in both the United Kingdom and the English-speaking world , and the seventh-oldest globally...

 between November 1980 and June 1984. Its objective, outlined in the editorial to the first edition.", was to provide facts, details and opinions relating to energy, in a way accessible to interested students.

"Energy Matters" was notable in a number ways. Its dispassionate and technical approach to this controversial topic was possibly unprecedented at a British University, at a time when many student publications were highly partisan on the issue. It was an independent undergraduate student magazine wholly funded (initially) by a University department, an unusual and possibly unique arrangement in the UK. It received endorsement from the British Royal Family, a significant and unusual gesture at the time for a magazine dealing with political matters. It was where a number of subsequently famous journalists and academics showed their first public work.

The magazine was founded at a time of high public interest in energy issues
Energy policy of the United Kingdom
The current energy policy of the United Kingdom is set out in the Energy White Paper of May 2007 and Low Carbon Transition Plan of July 2009, building on previous work including the 2003 Energy White Paper and the Energy Review Report in 2006...

, due to the second oil crisis
1979 energy crisis
The 1979 oil crisis in the United States occurred in the wake of the Iranian Revolution. Amid massive protests, the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, fled his country in early 1979 and the Ayatollah Khomeini soon became the new leader of Iran. Protests severely disrupted the Iranian oil...

 and the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant the previous year, and to a wave of public interest in energy conservation
Energy conservation
Energy conservation refers to efforts made to reduce energy consumption. Energy conservation can be achieved through increased efficient energy use, in conjunction with decreased energy consumption and/or reduced consumption from conventional energy sources...

 stimulated by environmental concerns. The topic had become highly political; for example a debate took place in the Cambridge Union Society
Cambridge Union Society
The Cambridge Union Society, commonly referred to as simply "the Cambridge Union" or "the Union," is a debating society in Cambridge, England and is the largest society at the University of Cambridge. Since its founding in 1815, the Union has developed a worldwide reputation as a noted symbol of...

 (the University's debating club) in November 1980 under the title "This House Believes Britain's Dependence on Nuclear Power will Result in Disaster", opposed by Bernard Jenkin
Bernard Jenkin
Bernard Christison Jenkin is a politician in the United Kingdom, and the current Member of Parliament for Harwich and North Essex...


In this context, the magazine was founded by two undergraduates at the Cambridge University Engineering Department
Cambridge University Engineering Department
The Cambridge University Engineering Department at the University of Cambridge is one of the largest departments in the university. The main site is situated at Trumpington Street, to the south of Cambridge city centre. The department is the primary centre for engineering teaching and research...

, Richard Davies and Andrew Bud. They secured funding from the Engineering Department which agreed to supply materials and printing services. The first edition ran to 52 pages, and 500 copies were distributed free throughout the University immediately after the Union Society debate. Thanks to the support of one of the Department's professors, Sir William Hawthorne
William Hawthorne
Sir William R. Hawthorne CBE, FRS, FREng, FIMECHE, FRAES, was a British professor of engineering who worked on the development of the jet engine....

, an expert in energy conservation, the magazine carried an introduction specially provided by HRH the Duke of Edinburgh
Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh is a British royal title, named after the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, which has been conferred upon members of the British royal family only four times times since its creation in 1726...

 (see image).
The magazine was well received and a team of volunteer student journalists created the second edition, published in April 1981, catalogued as ISSN 0260-809X. This ran to 100 pages, and the printing of 1000 copies entirely blocked the Engineering Department's reprographic department for three weeks, driving the in-house printer to the edge of despair. Regretfully, the Department withdrew its logistical support.

As a result, commercial sponsorship was sought and successfully raised from the energy industry. Funding came from the oil industry, the electricity and nuclear sectors and several University departments, and the magazine was commercially printed. Under new editors Helen Field and Anne Pudsey-Dawson, the third edition appeared in November 1981.

Although interest in the magazine amongst students beyond the science and engineering faculties was limited, it attracted considerable attention in Whitehall and within the industry. Dozens of copies were requested by these institutions. As a result, the magazine's editors were able to secure interviews with cabinet ministers
Cabinet of the United Kingdom
The Cabinet of the United Kingdom is the collective decision-making body of Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, composed of the Prime Minister and some 22 Cabinet Ministers, the most senior of the government ministers....

  and heads of the nationalised energy industries and trades unions. As a spin-off, a number of branded seminars were organised at the University, featuring leaders of the energy industry.

The magazine's editorial line was rigorously neutral, and substantial space was given to the thoughts of leading anti-nuclear campaigners, proponents of conservation and evangelists of combined heat and power
Combined Heat and Power
Combined Heat and Power may refer to:* Cogeneration* Combined Heat and Power Solar...


By 1984, the magazine's editor Roger Tredre merged it with the activities of the Cambridge student magazine Cantab
Cantab (magazine)
Cantab was the title of a magazine produced by students at the University of Cambridge between 1981 and 1990. It was unusual among British student magazines in being independent of student unions...

, and its main function became to generate advertising revenue to cross-subsidise Cantab. It ceased publication after its seventh edition in summer 1984, its final editors being Richard Penty (now Professor of Photonics
The science of photonics includes the generation, emission, transmission, modulation, signal processing, switching, amplification, detection and sensing of light. The term photonics thereby emphasizes that photons are neither particles nor waves — they are different in that they have both particle...

 at the University of Cambridge) and John Crowther.

Amongst those who worked on the magazine a number subsequently became influential in the fields of journalism or energy policy. The 1983 edition was edited by Vanessa Houlder (currently a leading business journalist on the Financial Times
Financial Times
The Financial Times is an international business newspaper. It is a morning daily newspaper published in London and printed in 24 cities around the world. Its primary rival is the Wall Street Journal, published in New York City....

 of London), and included contributions from Mike Grubb (now a senior academic working for the Carbon Trust).

External links

  • Catalogue entry, British Library
    British Library
    The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom, and is the world's largest library in terms of total number of items. The library is a major research library, holding over 150 million items from every country in the world, in virtually all known languages and in many formats,...

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.