Ensemble Cordial
A choir and orchestra consisting of musicians and singers from many countries who come together for music-making and performances of major choral works, mainly during the annual Musique-Cordiale
The Musique-Cordiale Festival Musiques en Liberté is the name for an international festival of music and song and for a series of other musical events in France and Britain. It grew from a dream of making music and encouraging musical appreciation at the highest level in the most conducive...

festival and events in France and Britain, including the Canterbury Festival
Canterbury Festival
The Canterbury Festival is Kent's international festival of the arts. It takes place in Canterbury and surrounding towns and villages each October and includes performances of a variety of types of music, ranging from Opera and Oratorio to art, comedy and theatre...

. Recent performances (and recordings) have included the a cappella Mass by Frank Martin
Frank Martin (composer)
Frank Martin was a Swiss composer, who lived a large part of his life in the Netherlands.-Childhood and youth:...

 and the Mass in B Minor by J.S.Bach.

External links

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