Erysimum pallasii
Erysimum pallasii is a low shrub or mid shrub species from the Arctic
The Arctic is a region located at the northern-most part of the Earth. The Arctic consists of the Arctic Ocean and parts of Canada, Russia, Greenland, the United States, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. The Arctic region consists of a vast, ice-covered ocean, surrounded by treeless permafrost...

. It has purple flowers that do not reflect UV.


This wallflower has a circumpolar distribution (northern Greenland westward to North European Russia). It is widespread in the Canadian Arctic Archipielago, and common in Greenland, Norwest Canada and United States (Alaska).


This species seems to be apomictic, since it is scarcely visited by insects and seed production is independent on flower visitors. Nevertheless, more studies are needed on this topic.
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