Estar sin ti
Estar sin ti is the 11th studio album by the Mexican singer Mijares
Manuel Mijares
Manuel Mijares , is a popular Spanish-language singer who is billed simply as "Mijares." He launched his career at age 23. He is currently separated from singer/actress Lucero, with whom he has two children.-Biography:He was born in Hospital Español in Mexico City...

. This album was released on 1997 and it was produced by Jorge Avendaño Lührs
Jorge Avendaño Lührs
Jorge Avendaño is a Mexican pianist, composer, songwriter and music producer.He was written music for many telenovelas including the 1993 version of Corazón salvaje for which he wrote its theme song...

and Gerardo Flores. This new material was praised by fans, but EMI International didn't give promotion at all, since this album was the last disc of Mijares with them, fans criticized this action from the company inasmuch as the discs passed almost unnoticed.

Track listing

  1. Estar sin ti
  2. Somos dos
  3. Yo te quiero
  4. A la mitad de la cama
  5. Para no olvidarte
  6. Loco por verte
  7. Saldo negativo
  8. Necesitas creer
  9. Amándonos
  10. Estás enamorada
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