European Ultramarathon Cup
The European Ultramarathon Cup, which was performed for the 17th time in 2009, is an annual cup event covering some of the biggest Ultramarathon
An ultramarathon is any sporting event involving running longer than the traditional marathon length of .There are two types of ultramarathon events: those that cover a specified distance, and events that take place during specified time...

s in Europe. At least three of the following races have to be completed, which contain as of 2009:
  • Mnisek pod Brdy
    Mníšek pod Brdy
    Mníšek pod Brdy is a town south west of Prague in the Czech Republic, in Central Bohemian Region. It hosts an annual cross-country Ultramarathon of 50 km length, which is part of the European Ultramarathon Cup. The town is part of the Prague metropolitan area.-External links:*...

     50K, Czech Republic
    Czech Republic
    The Czech Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The country is bordered by Poland to the northeast, Slovakia to the east, Austria to the south, and Germany to the west and northwest....

    , April
  • Rennsteiglauf
    The Rennsteiglauf is a trail running event on the Rennsteig path in the Thuringian Forest.The longest course is a ultramarathon currently 72.7 km from Eisenach to Schmiedefeld and part of the European Ultramarathon Cup...

    , 72.7K, Germany
    Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

    , May
  • 100 km of Biel/Bienne
    Biel/Bienne 100 km
    The Biel Running Days takes place in June in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland. Various long-distance track events are involved. The most well known of these is the 100km Ultra marathon which began in 1959 and is one of the biggest and oldest of its kind. The Ultra marathon is also a part of the European...

    , Switzerland
    Switzerland name of one of the Swiss cantons. ; ; ; or ), in its full name the Swiss Confederation , is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities. The country is situated in Western Europe,Or Central Europe depending on the definition....

    , June
  • Celje
    Celje is a typical Central European town and the third largest town in Slovenia. It is a regional center of Lower Styria and the administrative seat of the Urban Municipality of Celje . The town of Celje is located under Upper Celje Castle at the confluence of the Savinja, Ložnica, and Voglajna...

     75K, Slovenia
    Slovenia , officially the Republic of Slovenia , is a country in Central and Southeastern Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean. Slovenia borders Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north, and also has a small portion of...

    , September
  • Swabian Alb
    Swabian Alb
    The Swabian Alps or Swabian Jura is a low mountain range in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, extending 220 km from southwest to northeast and 40 to 70 km in width. It is named after the region of Swabia....

     Marathon, 50K, Germany
    Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

    , October
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