Eustacia Andrapov
Eustacia Andropov is a character from the Nancy Drew Computer Games series who had appeared in 3 games. She appeared as a phone friend in The Final Scene
The Final Scene
The Final Scene is the fifth game in the Nancy Drew computer game series. The game is based on the book bearing the same name and features Nancy Drew and her friend Maya Nguyen. Nancy meets Maya at the Royal Palladium theater to go to the opening of a new movie, Vanishing Destiny. As Maya goes into...

, She made a brief cameo on the phone in Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake is based on two books, Ghost Dogs of Whispering Oaks and Mystery by Moonlight. Moon Lake is the name of the location of Camp Avondale in the Nancy Drew book The Secret of the Old Clock. It is the seventh game in the series of Nancy Drew computer games. The game...

 and she was mentioned in Curse of Blackmoor Manor.

She first appeared in The Final Scene
The Final Scene
The Final Scene is the fifth game in the Nancy Drew computer game series. The game is based on the book bearing the same name and features Nancy Drew and her friend Maya Nguyen. Nancy meets Maya at the Royal Palladium theater to go to the opening of a new movie, Vanishing Destiny. As Maya goes into...

 as a phone friend when Nancy asks her about the Royal Palladium theater and Harry Houdini.

She secondly appeared in Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs Of Moon Lake is based on two books, Ghost Dogs of Whispering Oaks and Mystery by Moonlight. Moon Lake is the name of the location of Camp Avondale in the Nancy Drew book The Secret of the Old Clock. It is the seventh game in the series of Nancy Drew computer games. The game...

 making a brief cameo over the phone where she is staying at her friend's house whom Nancy calls. Andropov's friend is Vivian Whitmore, a woman who dated a gangster in the 20's whom Nancy asks about.

She recently appeared in Curse of Blackmoor Manor when she was mentioned by Jane Penvellyn about Eustacia marrying a Penvellyn named Obadiah. Jane said she is really freaky.
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