Euxesta is a genus of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the family Ulidiidae.
- Euxesta abanaEuxesta abanaEuxesta abana is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta abdominalisEuxesta abdominalisEuxesta abdominalis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta acutaEuxesta acutaEuxesta acuta is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta acuticornisEuxesta acuticornisEuxesta acuticornis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta albitarsisEuxesta albitarsisEuxesta albitarsis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta alternansEuxesta alternansEuxesta alternans is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta andinaEuxesta andinaEuxesta andina is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta annaEuxesta annaEuxesta anna is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta annonaeEuxesta annonaeEuxesta annonae is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta anomalipennisEuxesta anomalipennisEuxesta anomalipennis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta apicalisEuxesta apicalisEuxesta apicalis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta arcuataEuxesta arcuataEuxesta arcuata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta argentinaEuxesta argentinaEuxesta argentina is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta armaticornisEuxesta armaticornisEuxesta armaticornis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta atlanticaEuxesta atlanticaEuxesta atlantica is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta atripesEuxesta atripesEuxesta atripes is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta australisEuxesta australisEuxesta australis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta basalisEuxesta basalisEuxesta basalis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta bicolorEuxesta bicolorEuxesta bicolor is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta bifasciataEuxesta bifasciataEuxesta bifasciata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta bilimekiEuxesta bilimekiEuxesta bilimeki is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta binotataEuxesta binotataEuxesta binotata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta brookmaniEuxesta brookmaniEuxesta brookmani is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta callonaEuxesta callonaEuxesta callona is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta cavagnaroiEuxesta cavagnaroiEuxesta cavagnaroi is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta comptaEuxesta comptaEuxesta compta is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta consertaEuxesta consertaEuxesta conserta is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta contortaEuxesta contortaEuxesta contorta is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta diaphanaEuxesta diaphanaEuxesta diaphana is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta elutaEuxesta elutaEuxesta eluta is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta fenestrataEuxesta fenestrataEuxesta fenestrata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta fervidaEuxesta fervidaEuxesta fervida is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta freyiEuxesta freyiEuxesta freyi is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta fulvicornisEuxesta fulvicornisEuxesta fulvicornis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta galapagensisEuxesta galapagensisEuxesta galapagensis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta geminataEuxesta geminataEuxesta geminata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta guianicaEuxesta guianicaEuxesta guianica is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta halterataEuxesta halterataEuxesta halterata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta hendeliEuxesta hendeliEuxesta hendeli is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta hyalipennisEuxesta hyalipennisEuxesta hyalipennis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta insolitaEuxesta insolitaEuxesta insolita is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta junctaEuxesta junctaEuxesta juncta is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta junctulaEuxesta junctulaEuxesta junctula is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta knowltoniEuxesta knowltoniEuxesta knowltoni is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta lacteipennisEuxesta lacteipennisEuxesta lacteipennis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta laffooniEuxesta laffooniEuxesta laffooni is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta lunataEuxesta lunataEuxesta lunata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta luteocestaEuxesta luteocestaEuxesta luteocesta is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta lutziEuxesta lutziEuxesta lutzi is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta maculataEuxesta maculataEuxesta maculata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta majorEuxesta majorEuxesta major is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta minorEuxesta minorEuxesta minor is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta mitisEuxesta mitisEuxesta mitis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta nesiotisEuxesta nesiotisEuxesta nesiotis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta nigricansEuxesta nigricansEuxesta nigricans is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta nitidiventrisEuxesta nitidiventrisEuxesta nitidiventris is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta notataEuxesta notataEuxesta notata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta pacificaEuxesta pacificaEuxesta pacifica is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta panamenaEuxesta panamenaEuxesta panamena is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta pechumaniEuxesta pechumaniEuxesta pechumani is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta penacamposiEuxesta penacamposiEuxesta penacamposi is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta phoebaEuxesta phoebaEuxesta phoeba is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta primaEuxesta primaEuxesta prima is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta propinquaEuxesta propinquaEuxesta propinqua is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta pruinosaEuxesta pruinosaEuxesta pruinosa is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta pulchellaEuxesta pulchellaEuxesta pulchella is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta punctipennisEuxesta punctipennisEuxesta punctipennis is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta pusioEuxesta pusioEuxesta pusio is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta quaternariaEuxesta quaternariaEuxesta quaternaria is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta remotaEuxesta remotaEuxesta remota is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta riojanaEuxesta riojanaEuxesta riojana is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta rubidaEuxesta rubidaEuxesta rubida is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta sanguineaEuxesta sanguineaEuxesta sanguinea is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta schineriEuxesta schineriEuxesta schineri is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta schnuseiEuxesta schnuseiEuxesta schnusei is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta schusteriEuxesta schusteriEuxesta schusteri is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta scoriaceaEuxesta scoriaceaEuxesta scoriacea is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta scoriacinaEuxesta scoriacinaEuxesta scoriacina is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta scutellarisEuxesta scutellarisEuxesta scutellaris is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta sororculaEuxesta sororculaEuxesta sororcula is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta spodiaEuxesta spodiaEuxesta spodia is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta spoliataEuxesta spoliataEuxesta spoliata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta stackelbergiEuxesta stackelbergiEuxesta stackelbergi is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta stigmaEuxesta stigmaEuxesta stigma is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta stigmatiasEuxesta stigmatiasEuxesta stigmatias is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae.-External links:* on the UF / IFAS Featured Creatures Web site...
- Euxesta tenuissimaEuxesta tenuissimaEuxesta tenuissima is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta thomaeEuxesta thomaeEuxesta thomae is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta undulataEuxesta undulataEuxesta undulata is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta wettsteiniEuxesta wettsteiniEuxesta wettsteini is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Ulidiidae....
- Euxesta willistoniEuxesta willistoniEuxesta willistoni is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....
- Euxesta xeresEuxesta xeresEuxesta xeres is a species of ulidiid or picture-winged fly in the genus Euxesta of the family Tephritidae....