Everett Chamberlin Benton
Everett Chamberlin Benton (September 25, 1862 - ?) was a delegate to Republican National Convention
Republican National Convention
The Republican National Convention is the presidential nominating convention of the Republican Party of the United States. Convened by the Republican National Committee, the stated purpose of the convocation is to nominate an official candidate in an upcoming U.S...

 from Massachusetts in 1904, and the Republican candidate for Massachusetts governor in 1912.


Everett Chamberlin Benton was born 25 September 1862 at Guildhall, Vermont
Guildhall, Vermont
-External links:* http://www.flickr.com/photos/dougtone/sets/72157624844998996/with/4943890976/...

to Adda Chamberlin, and Judge Charles E. Benton.

Benton served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts in 1912 and 1913. Under his administration, Massachusetts chartered its first lodges in the Canal Zone.
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