FC Arges Pitesti
FC Argeş Piteşti is a Romania
n professional football
from Piteşti
, Argeş
FC Argeş was one of the most successful Romanian clubs in the 1970s, when it won the national championship twice: in 1972 and 1979, and finished twice as runner-up. The club has yet to win the Romanian Cup
, it is said that football appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, but the first evidence dates from the year 1915, when, in Câmpulung Muscel, the football team Minerul was founded. However, as WW I generally delayed the development of sports, it was only after 1919 that football started to raise interest in Piteşti. Here, street teams, students and soldiers would have played with teams from neighbouring towns: Craiova, Slatina, Caracal, Câmpulung Muscel.
The first known team of Piteşti was Arrow, documentary attested since 1921; its existence, however, could have been much older. Among the players were students and soldiers: goalkeeper lulică Şvanţaru, defender Condor, forward Ulman. Matches were witnessed to the top of curiosity and then with interest. They performed on an improvised field of the 6th Gunners Regiment. The people began to love this sport and other teams appeared. The first club was Macaby, established on May 1, 1923, which aimed toward the development of all sports, with a strong interest in football. Its President was Israel Friedman. A second club was Triumph, founded on August 1, 1923, with the sections: soccer, rugby, and athletics. His chairman was George N. Tabacu and its secretary C. Enescu. The club Trivale was founded in November 1923, and was chaired by its president Atanasiu. Last but not least, "Societatea Sportiva din Piteşti", founded on 29 May 1924 stated the aim of all practising sports and especially football. The Sports Company did not pursue any political purpose, and accepted members of any national origin or social class. The City of Piteşti, seeing popularity of this sport, it starts to help, first by approving a soccer field in the park Trivale for team Arrow at 22 June 1925, when the Interim Committee, the meeting approved to provide that company, on a temporary basis, the area of 8125 square meters of land owned by the village of Trivale park, the right side, where the traditional Easter Fair usually took place.
After these romantic beginnings, on August 15, 1925 the first club with professional bylaws and regulations appears in Piteşti. It was named Sporting Club, under the guidance of its President Dumitru Călinescu. The club signed up a total of 58 members aged over 18 years, 28 over 21 years, and 12 under 18 years. The club got a monthly subsidy from the City of 10,000 lei and used the land from 6th Gunners Regiment. The management of the club was covered over the years by a number of people more or less influential: dealer Ion Teodorescu, professor Dumitru Georgescu, Gh. Băltescu, M. Berechet, Aurel Caracas, Ticu Mircea, and others. The original colors used by Sporting Club were white-green for the shirts, white shorts, and white-green socks. The players were mainly students, drafted and reserve military men, including: Nicht Puiu, Florică Tută, Costică Papaiani, Gross, Salmairaghi, Neaţă, Caridis, Ghiuri, Lăzărescu, Enache, Cantaragiu, Cernea, Stoian, Bădin, Bandea, Cârciumaru. Since the financial situation was never on sold grounds, the club used to organize balls, games and even boxing fight with French athletes to attract funding.
In 1930, honorary chairman of the club was elected Armand Călinescu
, the future prime minister of Romania, who was also from the Arges county. With several occasions, the club has requested the City to build a stadium on the plateau of forest Trivale. Sporting Club has moved to the top district championship in Piteşti alongside Sports Workers, Câmpulung Tricolor Union and others. Once the third league was organized in 1936, Piteşti was represented in the Southern League Series I, by the team called Radu Negru, after the XIV-th century prince of Valachia. That team played against the teams: Phone Club Bucharest, Ottawa Turnu Magurele, Turda Bucharest, Venus Campina Tricolor Venus and Calarasi. Sporting Club did not finish that year the championship mainly due to financial challenges. However, this was the first on-the-record participation of a team from Piteşti in a regular championship at national level.
Coach: Jean Lăpuşneanu (formerly the Sporting Club, was great keeper, the team selected in Romania, which participated in the World Championship in 1930 in Uruguay).
Goalkeepers: Traian Stefan and George Stancu.
Defenders: George Tereş, Iuliu Szigmei Nicolae Zamfirescu, Ion Toroipan, Stelian Oprea, Ioan Istrate.
Midfielders: Constantin Chingaru, Nicolae Gotwald, Ion Hărăclean Ion Dragomir.
Strikers: Marin Tănase, Nelu Diaconescu, John Gherghina, Stefan Dumitrescu, Gheorghe Stănciulescu Nicolae lonescu, Ion Lăsculescu Ion Stănescu.
In 1954, Dinamo Piteşti to reinforce with the best players in Piteşti: goalkeeper Leaţă, defenders Leonte lanovschi and Boldizar, midfielder Gheorghe Popescu and the striker Basarabescu, managing to occupy third place in the regional championship with 40 points (golaveraj 67—23), following Flamurii Red Ramnicu Valcea and Minerului Campulung, with 18 wins, 4 games and 4 equals of the 26 parties disputate. Next regional championship 1955, when Dinamo Piteşti able to score in the first place, recording the first performance-promotion in Division C. The first edition of Division C after 1945 to start gathering 51 teams, divided into 4 series. Dinamo Piteşti will be part of the series II. Under the leadership of coach Jean Lăpuşneanu, the team's performance fails to place the class VIII of the 14 teams in the series of Division I-AA C, a performance notable for a nine promoted. It was V edition of Division C. In batch team, in addition to the players with whom porniseră the road, and were former players of Sportingului: Ianovschi Leonte, Leaţă, Boldizar, Gh Popescu, Basarabescu and Pericle Valeca. It will follow a championship, 1957–1958, which will go to the competitive fall-spring. This system will not be friendly, and piteştenii, clasaţi ranks XII will retrograda in the regional championship. Dinamo won only 9 games, 3 were equal and 14 games it has lost, by scoring 30 goals and 46 receiving. The series was won by Titanii Bucureşteni following Imp Târgovişte and Carpathian Sinaia, following his Arsenal were Olimpia Ipswich and Everton (flame) Piteşti. With coach Jean Lăpuşneanu to timonă, which it replaces George Teodorescu, Dinamo Piteşti, with a renăscută ambition and a lot reinforced with several young talented gaining regional championship in 1958-1959 and promotes Division C. Here's the lot that brought the team in Division C: Velicu, Costache, Oancea (goalkeepers), Boldizar, Iatan, Georgescu (defenders), Stanescu, Anuţescu, Stefanescu, Dinică (midfielders), Milea, Paraschiv, Marin Traian Ceauşu, Necşoiu, Emilian Niculescu, Cebuc, Vlad Lovin, Maşala (strikers). Due to reorganization of the business of football Romania, Dinamo Piteşti promotes Division B, after the merger with Dinamo Bucharest 3 Miliţia. From Manchester Miliţia came to Piteşti, in the summer of 1959, the players: Spiridon Niculescu, Radu Gheorghe, V. Florescu, Florin Halagian, M. Haimovici, P. Valcan, Eugen Barbu and John Butnaru, a nucleus of players who will be an ace to start the ninth stage competition.
The results do not appear to delay Dinamo Piteşti onorant will occupy a place in Division B 3, after promising results with teams that were in the old state second division in the country. Among strikers were noted Lovin Vlad, who recorded 15 goals, and Ion Barbu future national central defender with 10 goals listed, coach of this team is Stefan Vasile. The land of Ştrand becomes overcrowded, more and more lovers of the football stadium by taking the road, feeling that, soon, Piteştiul will make a great step toward performance. The second championship in Division B, 1960–1961, will bring a winning series Il-by Dinamo Piteşti, with an advance of 9 points before the second classified, our eternal rival, Science Craiova. Dream so many generations of supporters and football players becoming a reality through the promotion team Dinamo Piteşti in Division A, the first team piteşteană and argeşeană in the first division football României.Sub leadership of the same Stefan Vasile, who brought the consignment Piteştiul in Romanian football elite was composed of : L. Varga, C. Matache, Sp.Niculescu (goalkeepers), P. Valcan, I. Barbu, C. Haimovici, N. Vulpeanu, C. Dumitrescu (defenders), V. Florescu, Gh.Radu, V. Corneanu, Al. Constantinescu (midfielders), I. Pântea, Florin Halagian, Vlad Lovin, E. Butiiaru, L. Ghinea (strikers). Year 1961 represents a peak untouched until then no one team of Arges. Dinamo Piteşti is the start of this championship (edition number 43) Division A. With almost the same batch of players, with more than a few young promote, Dinamo Piteşti was surprinse of the competition hardness of high society, promoting the rapid could not rezist. A demoted from last place, 14, but showing, often practiced football in the city on the banks Argeşului.
Under the leadership managers Stefan Vasile Tănase and Dima have evolved on the first stage, footballers: L. Varga, Sp.Niculescu, C. Matache (goalkeepers), P. Valcan, I. Barbu, M. Haimovici, C. Vulpeanu, C. Dumitrescu, Matthew, Badea (defenders), V. Florescu, Gh Radu, V. Corneanu, Stefanescu, Stănescu, Nicolae Dobrin (midfielders), I. Cârciumărescu, Al. Constantinescu, Vlad Lovin, T. Dima, I. Pântea, Florin Halagian, E. Butnaru, L. Ghinea, P. Libardi, A. Sunday, Bâzgu, M. Ţurcan, Lalu (strikers). The cold shower contact of football great piteşteni take up to the reality. N-submitted weapons, but have gathered from dental creams, starting again in Division B. Here football is hard, and when you live above any team wishing to move and a victory in the record. And yet, at the end of 1962-1963 championship, Dinamo Piteşti wins series II Division B with 4 points advance against CSM Reşiţa, and promotes, for the second time in Division A.
The lot remained almost the same, under the leadership of Stefan Vasile: L. Varga, C. Matache (goalkeepers), P. Valcan, C. Badea, I. Barbu, V. Corneanu, M. Haimovici, C. Dumitrescu (defenders), Alexandru Vasile, Gh Radu, Burcea, Al. Constantinescu (midfielders), P. Stănoaie, I. Cârciumărescu, Vlad Lovin, Florin Halagian, C. Ionescu, Nicolas Niculescu (strikers). The team noted the emergence of extremist C. Hamilton, a big talent attacker, who has 10 goals and marked in that campionatTotuşi, in this first championship in the first division, would debuteze who became, in time, the biggest fotbalist Romanian Nicolae Dobrin
, in a match Science with Cluj, in spring 1962. The second promotion in the first division meant, actually, stay on the first stage of Romanian football for 29 consecutive years (1963–1992), a rare performance in our football, exceeded only by teams Steaua and Dinamo Bucharest and University of Craiova. Developments team FC Arges oscilante were caused in large part, the fluctuation large batch of players, plecările bulk of the most valuable. The best results were obtained in the periods 1971-1973 and 1977–1981, when the team was ranked in the top three in the period 1977-1979, FC Arges managed not to lose ground on its 45 consecutive games înscriind 116 goals and receiving only 35.
The championship of Division A 1963-1964 was piteşteni a galop health, serving in place without emotions 10. In fact, there have been major effort to better prepare players. Then came at Piteşti the managers Vintilă Mărdărescu and Joseph Szoke; players: Cacoveanu Nicolae Naghi, C. And David, from 10 November 1963, Nicolae Dobrin, back from Minerul Campulung Muscel, where he had been left. Piteştenilor game was characterized by a great ambition, based on extreme high value (Cacoveanu, Cârciumărescu and C. lonescu), the couple of central defenders Barbu-Ilie Stelian, midfielders Alexandru Vasile, Mircea Stoenescu, the acrobat keeper C. Matache and the striker Micky Naghi, author of 8 goals.Totuşi, Bucharest teams were unbeated: 0-4 and 0-2 to Arsenal, 0-2 and 0-1 with Rapid, 0-1 and 3-6 with Steaua. As a reward for the return in first division, city officials can give to the team a nice gift: May 1 stadium (then and now Nicolae Dobrin Stadium
), which will be opened in spring 1964. On this occasion held international match between Dinamo Piteşti and Brazilian team Bon Succeso Rio de Janeiro, ended with victory piteştenilor, with the score 2-1. Stadium had 17,500 seats. From this moment on, Dinamo Piteşti begin an affirmation of the long road, a road which were talent and youth players born on these places to experience some decline of the major players teams Bucharest. In the next championship, 1964–1965, Dinamo Piteşti climbing two places, serving in place of VIII century.
In the next championship, 1965/1966, Dinamo Piteşti May climbed a few steps, standing in the place IV, equal points with Dinamo Bucharest, this salt is possible because of developments exception back when he occupied the place II century, with 7 wins, 2 egaluri and 4 losses, scoring 23 goals for and 21 receiving. Measures taken in the break between the tour and return have been welcome. Thus, during the month of January, were decommissioned lot Victor Corneanu, and Radu Gheorghe Florin Halagian, the remaining 20 players: Sp. Niculescu, C. Matache (and he left in May, upon request), and Zoltan Nagel (goalkeepers), Ioachim Popescu, C. Olteanu, Ion Barbu, Stelian Ilie, C. Badea, N. Vulpeanu and Vasile Zdrenghea (defenders), N. Dobrin, Ion Ţârcovnicu, John Rock, (midfielders), I Radu Constantin, N. Naghi, Mike Ţurcan, C. David C. lonescu, Şt. Timar, Ion Nita (strikers). After winter break this championship, Dinamo Piteşti earned some excellent results: 1-1 in the Capital country champion, Dinamo, Steaua won at Bucharest, 3-2, and earned in Cluj, with the University, an equal, 2—2. A Rapidul defeated with 2-1 home, 2-1 with Red Flag, UTA with 3-2, 1-0 with Poli Timişoara. the goalscorer remained N. Naghi, who entered the 22 goals, almost half of the team entered the gaps, which consists player with the third Ţurcan couple strikers of the country, after Badea-Dridea and Dumitriu II Ion lonescu. The team gave batch national junior Ion Pop, the holder 3 batch Olympic players: Niculescu, Naghi and Dobrin, and the batch B of the country (which has conducted a tour in Korea) players: Barbu, Ţurcan, Radu I. In national consignment, the first representative of the country, has been promoted and played Nicolae Dobrin. The team has matured, young players starting to acknowledge the hopes placed in them, and those with experience demonstrating the same ardoare and the same yield as in the days of glory.
In the next championship, 1966–1967, they finish on 12 place shows once again that the team was not ready for the major mental performance. Although the team was reinforced the keeper Coman and midfielder Haralambie Eftimie, the place was occupied modest and logical consequence of a system of organization exceeded Dinamo Piteşti depend sister remained higher, Dinamo Bucharest. This, though often helped it all so many times, by transferring some young players, but note from Piteşti, giving them in exchange players no perspective, capped, even if they had rich experience Competition . This fluctuation părtinitor and exchange of players have created an atmosphere of mistrust in the possibilities of the club Piteşti.
(1-4) in the first match of the season and the coach Titus Ozon
what replaced with the young former football player of Dinamo Piteşti, Florin Halagian. At the end of the tour, FC Arges is in the back seat IV with 18 points, following teams: UTA, South Carolina University of Bacău and Cluj. Preparing for winter were held in Băile Herculane, after which followed a difficult tour in the former RD German, who has caught good team. The return after the winter was extraordinary, FC Arges being beaten only twice (0-2 home, the Red Flag Braşov, and 0-1 in Cluj, CFR). Before 9 games without following înfrângeri, which Halagian played great book several times. Thus, in Iași, has played in every Half with a midfielders to the surprise of all, to force victory and you have fresh on the final. In the penultimate stage (21 June 1972), Piteşti, FC Arges won Crişul Oradea, becoming champions with a stage before the end of the championship. The team played offensive and ambitious, with an inspired Dobrin, skipper. Score was 4-1 (3-1) for piteşteni through holes marked Dobrin (min. 25 and 43), Prepurgel (min. 28), C. Radu (min.83), respectively Tămaş (min. 39) in front of over 17,000 spectators in the last stage, although the title was in your pocket, FC Arges beat at sea battle, Dinamo, Bucharest, the great national stadium, 3-2 (1-1), goals included: Jercan (min. 45), C. Radu (min. 55), C. Frăţilă (min. 89), respectively Lucescu (min. 17) and Dumitrache (min. 61), Manchester. Here are the two teams who met in the last stage, in front of over 10,000 spectators, under the decision of the arbitrator Russian loan (Tg. Mureş): FC Arges: Stan-Barbu (Ciolan)-Pigulea, Vlad, Olteanu, P. Ivan II Prepurgel, M. Popescu (C. Frăţilă)-C. Radu I Dobrin, Jercan. Dinamo: Constantinescu-Cheran, G. Sandu, Dobrău (Batacliu, then Doru Popescu), Deleanu-Dinu, Sălceanu-Lucescu, Dumitriu II, Dumitrache, Florin Dumitrescu. In this way, F.C. Arges win the crown of laurel, bringing Piteştiul for the first time among cities campioane after Bucharest, Timişoara, Arad, Oradea and Ploiești. The lot campioane team, FC Arges, in the 1971-1972 championship, was the following: V. Stan, D. Ariciu, Spiridon Niculescu (keepers), M. Pigulea, C. Olteanu, R. Vlad, I. Barbu, P. Ivan II, D. Ciolan, C. Nedelcu (defenders), I. Prepurgel, M. Popescu, Stefan Dumitru, Emil Dumitru Ion Red (midfielders), C. Radu II, C. Frăţilă, N. Dobrin, R. Jercan, Ioan Dobrescu, Paul Ciornoavă (strikers), Florin Halagian and Tânase Dima (managers). The 51 goals for the team F.C. Arges have been marked by: Dobrin-15, C. Radu 9, Jercan-8, Frăţilă-7, Prepurgel-4, Rosu-4, M. Popescu-2, Olteanu-1 and Dobrescu-1.
(score 1-0 ) And FC Arges became champions tour with 10 games won, and a shed 6 defeats, included 25 goals and 17 received, totalling 21 points, three more than it proposed at the beginning of the championship.Then at the final of the season they won the second title in their history.
Romanian Cup
Liga II
Paul Codrea
Dănuţ Coman Nicolae Dică
Nicolae Dobrin
Bogdan Mara
Joita Marin Adrian Mutu
Valentin Năstase Adrian Neaga
Vasile Popa
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...
n professional football
Football (soccer)
Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball...
Football team
A football team is the collective name given to a group of players selected together in the various team sports known as football.Such teams could be selected to play in an against an opposing team, to represent a football club, group, state or nation, an All-star team or even selected as a...
from Piteşti
Pitești is a city in Romania, located on the Argeș River. The capital and largest city of Argeș County, it is an important commercial and industrial center, as well as the home of two universities. Pitești is situated on the A1 freeway connecting it directly to the national capital Bucharest,...
, Argeş
Arges County
Argeș is a county of Romania, in Wallachia, with the capital city at Pitești.-Demographics:In 2002, it had a population of 652,625 and the population density was 95/km².*Romanians – 96%*Roma , and other.-Geography:...
FC Argeş was one of the most successful Romanian clubs in the 1970s, when it won the national championship twice: in 1972 and 1979, and finished twice as runner-up. The club has yet to win the Romanian Cup
Romanian Cup
The Cupa României is a football competition which was held annually since 1933-34, except during the World War II. It is the country's main cup competition, and it is open to all clubs affiliated with FRF and the county football associations regardless of the league they belong to...
First teams from Arges
In Argeş CountyArges County
Argeș is a county of Romania, in Wallachia, with the capital city at Pitești.-Demographics:In 2002, it had a population of 652,625 and the population density was 95/km².*Romanians – 96%*Roma , and other.-Geography:...
, it is said that football appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, but the first evidence dates from the year 1915, when, in Câmpulung Muscel, the football team Minerul was founded. However, as WW I generally delayed the development of sports, it was only after 1919 that football started to raise interest in Piteşti. Here, street teams, students and soldiers would have played with teams from neighbouring towns: Craiova, Slatina, Caracal, Câmpulung Muscel.
The first known team of Piteşti was Arrow, documentary attested since 1921; its existence, however, could have been much older. Among the players were students and soldiers: goalkeeper lulică Şvanţaru, defender Condor, forward Ulman. Matches were witnessed to the top of curiosity and then with interest. They performed on an improvised field of the 6th Gunners Regiment. The people began to love this sport and other teams appeared. The first club was Macaby, established on May 1, 1923, which aimed toward the development of all sports, with a strong interest in football. Its President was Israel Friedman. A second club was Triumph, founded on August 1, 1923, with the sections: soccer, rugby, and athletics. His chairman was George N. Tabacu and its secretary C. Enescu. The club Trivale was founded in November 1923, and was chaired by its president Atanasiu. Last but not least, "Societatea Sportiva din Piteşti", founded on 29 May 1924 stated the aim of all practising sports and especially football. The Sports Company did not pursue any political purpose, and accepted members of any national origin or social class. The City of Piteşti, seeing popularity of this sport, it starts to help, first by approving a soccer field in the park Trivale for team Arrow at 22 June 1925, when the Interim Committee, the meeting approved to provide that company, on a temporary basis, the area of 8125 square meters of land owned by the village of Trivale park, the right side, where the traditional Easter Fair usually took place.
After these romantic beginnings, on August 15, 1925 the first club with professional bylaws and regulations appears in Piteşti. It was named Sporting Club, under the guidance of its President Dumitru Călinescu. The club signed up a total of 58 members aged over 18 years, 28 over 21 years, and 12 under 18 years. The club got a monthly subsidy from the City of 10,000 lei and used the land from 6th Gunners Regiment. The management of the club was covered over the years by a number of people more or less influential: dealer Ion Teodorescu, professor Dumitru Georgescu, Gh. Băltescu, M. Berechet, Aurel Caracas, Ticu Mircea, and others. The original colors used by Sporting Club were white-green for the shirts, white shorts, and white-green socks. The players were mainly students, drafted and reserve military men, including: Nicht Puiu, Florică Tută, Costică Papaiani, Gross, Salmairaghi, Neaţă, Caridis, Ghiuri, Lăzărescu, Enache, Cantaragiu, Cernea, Stoian, Bădin, Bandea, Cârciumaru. Since the financial situation was never on sold grounds, the club used to organize balls, games and even boxing fight with French athletes to attract funding.
In 1930, honorary chairman of the club was elected Armand Călinescu
Armand Calinescu
Armand Călinescu was a Romanian economist and politician, who served as Prime Minister between March 1939 and the time of his death.-Early life:...
, the future prime minister of Romania, who was also from the Arges county. With several occasions, the club has requested the City to build a stadium on the plateau of forest Trivale. Sporting Club has moved to the top district championship in Piteşti alongside Sports Workers, Câmpulung Tricolor Union and others. Once the third league was organized in 1936, Piteşti was represented in the Southern League Series I, by the team called Radu Negru, after the XIV-th century prince of Valachia. That team played against the teams: Phone Club Bucharest, Ottawa Turnu Magurele, Turda Bucharest, Venus Campina Tricolor Venus and Calarasi. Sporting Club did not finish that year the championship mainly due to financial challenges. However, this was the first on-the-record participation of a team from Piteşti in a regular championship at national level.
Dinamo Piteşti period
At 6 August 1953, after 27 years of domination by a team Sporting Club Piteşti, appears a new team, Dinamo Piteşti, since the spring of 1953, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a group of officials and police decided to set up a soccer team, Dinamo Bucharest, named after such a big sister May in Bucharest. The team is entered in the regional championship Piteşti, along with teams from: Găeşti, Valcea, Curtea de Arges, Campulung, Topoloveni, Slatina, desfăşurându championship system in the spring-autumn. It is appropriate to remember him and Lăsculescu Ion Marin Tănase, two of the main initiators of the birth of the teams, has been officially at 6 August 1953. Young team Dinamo Piteşti takes place 8 of 14 bands, but will attract the attention of spectators, shortly after managing to collect talents born on this country's legendary plai Argeşului, catalizând forces and the local administrative accederea in high society fotbalului. In Piteşti May have been other teams, of which the legendary Sporting Club has been able to evolve in Division B for 8 championships in a row (where scored of 289 goals and 402 received) by 1954, showing that Piteştiul wishes and wants more than one team, pluton in second division, hence the desire to bring a new breath in local football performance and a better organization for the purpose of entry into assisted society football. The lot that started the current team FC Arges (when Arsenal) those 50 years of life was the following:Coach: Jean Lăpuşneanu (formerly the Sporting Club, was great keeper, the team selected in Romania, which participated in the World Championship in 1930 in Uruguay).
Goalkeepers: Traian Stefan and George Stancu.
Defenders: George Tereş, Iuliu Szigmei Nicolae Zamfirescu, Ion Toroipan, Stelian Oprea, Ioan Istrate.
Midfielders: Constantin Chingaru, Nicolae Gotwald, Ion Hărăclean Ion Dragomir.
Strikers: Marin Tănase, Nelu Diaconescu, John Gherghina, Stefan Dumitrescu, Gheorghe Stănciulescu Nicolae lonescu, Ion Lăsculescu Ion Stănescu.
In 1954, Dinamo Piteşti to reinforce with the best players in Piteşti: goalkeeper Leaţă, defenders Leonte lanovschi and Boldizar, midfielder Gheorghe Popescu and the striker Basarabescu, managing to occupy third place in the regional championship with 40 points (golaveraj 67—23), following Flamurii Red Ramnicu Valcea and Minerului Campulung, with 18 wins, 4 games and 4 equals of the 26 parties disputate. Next regional championship 1955, when Dinamo Piteşti able to score in the first place, recording the first performance-promotion in Division C. The first edition of Division C after 1945 to start gathering 51 teams, divided into 4 series. Dinamo Piteşti will be part of the series II. Under the leadership of coach Jean Lăpuşneanu, the team's performance fails to place the class VIII of the 14 teams in the series of Division I-AA C, a performance notable for a nine promoted. It was V edition of Division C. In batch team, in addition to the players with whom porniseră the road, and were former players of Sportingului: Ianovschi Leonte, Leaţă, Boldizar, Gh Popescu, Basarabescu and Pericle Valeca. It will follow a championship, 1957–1958, which will go to the competitive fall-spring. This system will not be friendly, and piteştenii, clasaţi ranks XII will retrograda in the regional championship. Dinamo won only 9 games, 3 were equal and 14 games it has lost, by scoring 30 goals and 46 receiving. The series was won by Titanii Bucureşteni following Imp Târgovişte and Carpathian Sinaia, following his Arsenal were Olimpia Ipswich and Everton (flame) Piteşti. With coach Jean Lăpuşneanu to timonă, which it replaces George Teodorescu, Dinamo Piteşti, with a renăscută ambition and a lot reinforced with several young talented gaining regional championship in 1958-1959 and promotes Division C. Here's the lot that brought the team in Division C: Velicu, Costache, Oancea (goalkeepers), Boldizar, Iatan, Georgescu (defenders), Stanescu, Anuţescu, Stefanescu, Dinică (midfielders), Milea, Paraschiv, Marin Traian Ceauşu, Necşoiu, Emilian Niculescu, Cebuc, Vlad Lovin, Maşala (strikers). Due to reorganization of the business of football Romania, Dinamo Piteşti promotes Division B, after the merger with Dinamo Bucharest 3 Miliţia. From Manchester Miliţia came to Piteşti, in the summer of 1959, the players: Spiridon Niculescu, Radu Gheorghe, V. Florescu, Florin Halagian, M. Haimovici, P. Valcan, Eugen Barbu and John Butnaru, a nucleus of players who will be an ace to start the ninth stage competition.
The results do not appear to delay Dinamo Piteşti onorant will occupy a place in Division B 3, after promising results with teams that were in the old state second division in the country. Among strikers were noted Lovin Vlad, who recorded 15 goals, and Ion Barbu future national central defender with 10 goals listed, coach of this team is Stefan Vasile. The land of Ştrand becomes overcrowded, more and more lovers of the football stadium by taking the road, feeling that, soon, Piteştiul will make a great step toward performance. The second championship in Division B, 1960–1961, will bring a winning series Il-by Dinamo Piteşti, with an advance of 9 points before the second classified, our eternal rival, Science Craiova. Dream so many generations of supporters and football players becoming a reality through the promotion team Dinamo Piteşti in Division A, the first team piteşteană and argeşeană in the first division football României.Sub leadership of the same Stefan Vasile, who brought the consignment Piteştiul in Romanian football elite was composed of : L. Varga, C. Matache, Sp.Niculescu (goalkeepers), P. Valcan, I. Barbu, C. Haimovici, N. Vulpeanu, C. Dumitrescu (defenders), V. Florescu, Gh.Radu, V. Corneanu, Al. Constantinescu (midfielders), I. Pântea, Florin Halagian, Vlad Lovin, E. Butiiaru, L. Ghinea (strikers). Year 1961 represents a peak untouched until then no one team of Arges. Dinamo Piteşti is the start of this championship (edition number 43) Division A. With almost the same batch of players, with more than a few young promote, Dinamo Piteşti was surprinse of the competition hardness of high society, promoting the rapid could not rezist. A demoted from last place, 14, but showing, often practiced football in the city on the banks Argeşului.
Under the leadership managers Stefan Vasile Tănase and Dima have evolved on the first stage, footballers: L. Varga, Sp.Niculescu, C. Matache (goalkeepers), P. Valcan, I. Barbu, M. Haimovici, C. Vulpeanu, C. Dumitrescu, Matthew, Badea (defenders), V. Florescu, Gh Radu, V. Corneanu, Stefanescu, Stănescu, Nicolae Dobrin (midfielders), I. Cârciumărescu, Al. Constantinescu, Vlad Lovin, T. Dima, I. Pântea, Florin Halagian, E. Butnaru, L. Ghinea, P. Libardi, A. Sunday, Bâzgu, M. Ţurcan, Lalu (strikers). The cold shower contact of football great piteşteni take up to the reality. N-submitted weapons, but have gathered from dental creams, starting again in Division B. Here football is hard, and when you live above any team wishing to move and a victory in the record. And yet, at the end of 1962-1963 championship, Dinamo Piteşti wins series II Division B with 4 points advance against CSM Reşiţa, and promotes, for the second time in Division A.
The lot remained almost the same, under the leadership of Stefan Vasile: L. Varga, C. Matache (goalkeepers), P. Valcan, C. Badea, I. Barbu, V. Corneanu, M. Haimovici, C. Dumitrescu (defenders), Alexandru Vasile, Gh Radu, Burcea, Al. Constantinescu (midfielders), P. Stănoaie, I. Cârciumărescu, Vlad Lovin, Florin Halagian, C. Ionescu, Nicolas Niculescu (strikers). The team noted the emergence of extremist C. Hamilton, a big talent attacker, who has 10 goals and marked in that campionatTotuşi, in this first championship in the first division, would debuteze who became, in time, the biggest fotbalist Romanian Nicolae Dobrin
Nicolae Dobrin
Nicolae Dobrin was a Romanian football player. Dobrin is considered by many to be the best Romanian player of the 1960s and 1970s and one of the most talented players ever to play the game...
, in a match Science with Cluj, in spring 1962. The second promotion in the first division meant, actually, stay on the first stage of Romanian football for 29 consecutive years (1963–1992), a rare performance in our football, exceeded only by teams Steaua and Dinamo Bucharest and University of Craiova. Developments team FC Arges oscilante were caused in large part, the fluctuation large batch of players, plecările bulk of the most valuable. The best results were obtained in the periods 1971-1973 and 1977–1981, when the team was ranked in the top three in the period 1977-1979, FC Arges managed not to lose ground on its 45 consecutive games înscriind 116 goals and receiving only 35.
The championship of Division A 1963-1964 was piteşteni a galop health, serving in place without emotions 10. In fact, there have been major effort to better prepare players. Then came at Piteşti the managers Vintilă Mărdărescu and Joseph Szoke; players: Cacoveanu Nicolae Naghi, C. And David, from 10 November 1963, Nicolae Dobrin, back from Minerul Campulung Muscel, where he had been left. Piteştenilor game was characterized by a great ambition, based on extreme high value (Cacoveanu, Cârciumărescu and C. lonescu), the couple of central defenders Barbu-Ilie Stelian, midfielders Alexandru Vasile, Mircea Stoenescu, the acrobat keeper C. Matache and the striker Micky Naghi, author of 8 goals.Totuşi, Bucharest teams were unbeated: 0-4 and 0-2 to Arsenal, 0-2 and 0-1 with Rapid, 0-1 and 3-6 with Steaua. As a reward for the return in first division, city officials can give to the team a nice gift: May 1 stadium (then and now Nicolae Dobrin Stadium
Nicolae Dobrin Stadium
Nicolae Dobrin Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Piteşti, Romania, named after football player Nicolae Dobrin. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home ground of FC Argeş Piteşti....
), which will be opened in spring 1964. On this occasion held international match between Dinamo Piteşti and Brazilian team Bon Succeso Rio de Janeiro, ended with victory piteştenilor, with the score 2-1. Stadium had 17,500 seats. From this moment on, Dinamo Piteşti begin an affirmation of the long road, a road which were talent and youth players born on these places to experience some decline of the major players teams Bucharest. In the next championship, 1964–1965, Dinamo Piteşti climbing two places, serving in place of VIII century.
In the next championship, 1965/1966, Dinamo Piteşti May climbed a few steps, standing in the place IV, equal points with Dinamo Bucharest, this salt is possible because of developments exception back when he occupied the place II century, with 7 wins, 2 egaluri and 4 losses, scoring 23 goals for and 21 receiving. Measures taken in the break between the tour and return have been welcome. Thus, during the month of January, were decommissioned lot Victor Corneanu, and Radu Gheorghe Florin Halagian, the remaining 20 players: Sp. Niculescu, C. Matache (and he left in May, upon request), and Zoltan Nagel (goalkeepers), Ioachim Popescu, C. Olteanu, Ion Barbu, Stelian Ilie, C. Badea, N. Vulpeanu and Vasile Zdrenghea (defenders), N. Dobrin, Ion Ţârcovnicu, John Rock, (midfielders), I Radu Constantin, N. Naghi, Mike Ţurcan, C. David C. lonescu, Şt. Timar, Ion Nita (strikers). After winter break this championship, Dinamo Piteşti earned some excellent results: 1-1 in the Capital country champion, Dinamo, Steaua won at Bucharest, 3-2, and earned in Cluj, with the University, an equal, 2—2. A Rapidul defeated with 2-1 home, 2-1 with Red Flag, UTA with 3-2, 1-0 with Poli Timişoara. the goalscorer remained N. Naghi, who entered the 22 goals, almost half of the team entered the gaps, which consists player with the third Ţurcan couple strikers of the country, after Badea-Dridea and Dumitriu II Ion lonescu. The team gave batch national junior Ion Pop, the holder 3 batch Olympic players: Niculescu, Naghi and Dobrin, and the batch B of the country (which has conducted a tour in Korea) players: Barbu, Ţurcan, Radu I. In national consignment, the first representative of the country, has been promoted and played Nicolae Dobrin. The team has matured, young players starting to acknowledge the hopes placed in them, and those with experience demonstrating the same ardoare and the same yield as in the days of glory.
In the next championship, 1966–1967, they finish on 12 place shows once again that the team was not ready for the major mental performance. Although the team was reinforced the keeper Coman and midfielder Haralambie Eftimie, the place was occupied modest and logical consequence of a system of organization exceeded Dinamo Piteşti depend sister remained higher, Dinamo Bucharest. This, though often helped it all so many times, by transferring some young players, but note from Piteşti, giving them in exchange players no perspective, capped, even if they had rich experience Competition . This fluctuation părtinitor and exchange of players have created an atmosphere of mistrust in the possibilities of the club Piteşti.
First Divizia A championship
Nobody thought about the final great success of the Trivale squad after the defeat with FCM BacăuFCM Bacau
FCM Bacău is a Romanian football club, founded in 1950, currently playing in the Liga II. It's the best placed Moldovan team in the Liga I All-Time Table, ranking 9th with 42 seasons played.-History:...
(1-4) in the first match of the season and the coach Titus Ozon
Titus Ozon
Titus Ozon was a Romanian international football striker. He was considered one of the greatest talents of the postwar in the Romanian football, famous for his extraordinary ability to dribble.- Records :...
what replaced with the young former football player of Dinamo Piteşti, Florin Halagian. At the end of the tour, FC Arges is in the back seat IV with 18 points, following teams: UTA, South Carolina University of Bacău and Cluj. Preparing for winter were held in Băile Herculane, after which followed a difficult tour in the former RD German, who has caught good team. The return after the winter was extraordinary, FC Arges being beaten only twice (0-2 home, the Red Flag Braşov, and 0-1 in Cluj, CFR). Before 9 games without following înfrângeri, which Halagian played great book several times. Thus, in Iași, has played in every Half with a midfielders to the surprise of all, to force victory and you have fresh on the final. In the penultimate stage (21 June 1972), Piteşti, FC Arges won Crişul Oradea, becoming champions with a stage before the end of the championship. The team played offensive and ambitious, with an inspired Dobrin, skipper. Score was 4-1 (3-1) for piteşteni through holes marked Dobrin (min. 25 and 43), Prepurgel (min. 28), C. Radu (min.83), respectively Tămaş (min. 39) in front of over 17,000 spectators in the last stage, although the title was in your pocket, FC Arges beat at sea battle, Dinamo, Bucharest, the great national stadium, 3-2 (1-1), goals included: Jercan (min. 45), C. Radu (min. 55), C. Frăţilă (min. 89), respectively Lucescu (min. 17) and Dumitrache (min. 61), Manchester. Here are the two teams who met in the last stage, in front of over 10,000 spectators, under the decision of the arbitrator Russian loan (Tg. Mureş): FC Arges: Stan-Barbu (Ciolan)-Pigulea, Vlad, Olteanu, P. Ivan II Prepurgel, M. Popescu (C. Frăţilă)-C. Radu I Dobrin, Jercan. Dinamo: Constantinescu-Cheran, G. Sandu, Dobrău (Batacliu, then Doru Popescu), Deleanu-Dinu, Sălceanu-Lucescu, Dumitriu II, Dumitrache, Florin Dumitrescu. In this way, F.C. Arges win the crown of laurel, bringing Piteştiul for the first time among cities campioane after Bucharest, Timişoara, Arad, Oradea and Ploiești. The lot campioane team, FC Arges, in the 1971-1972 championship, was the following: V. Stan, D. Ariciu, Spiridon Niculescu (keepers), M. Pigulea, C. Olteanu, R. Vlad, I. Barbu, P. Ivan II, D. Ciolan, C. Nedelcu (defenders), I. Prepurgel, M. Popescu, Stefan Dumitru, Emil Dumitru Ion Red (midfielders), C. Radu II, C. Frăţilă, N. Dobrin, R. Jercan, Ioan Dobrescu, Paul Ciornoavă (strikers), Florin Halagian and Tânase Dima (managers). The 51 goals for the team F.C. Arges have been marked by: Dobrin-15, C. Radu 9, Jercan-8, Frăţilă-7, Prepurgel-4, Rosu-4, M. Popescu-2, Olteanu-1 and Dobrescu-1.
Second Title in Liga 1
Champions 1978-1979 began under the sign of good training and the desire to mature make lot of young good players, mostly kept at Piteşti. Under the leadership of the same coach, Florin Halagian, helped Leonte lanovschi (Tănase Dima was transferred to Dinamo Bucharest) and Constantin Oţet, transferred a few days before the championship. The objective proposed by the leadership of the club was occupying one of the places 1-5 and accumulation of at least 18 points in the championship round. FC Arges championship begins in force, winning two games in Chemistry Rm Quebec and "Police" Iași, and installed in platoon leader. For only in stage Vl has recorded the first defeat, 0-1 at Tg. Mureş, A.S.A. continue occupying places 2-4 without May fall. Players are subjected to double efforts, mostly by hand and the olympic team of Romania, which succeeded, after many years, the Hungarian representative to prevail at Piteşti. At the end of the tour, FC Arges situation is heading in the first rank, remarking through cohesion, respect and coechipieri tasks entrusted game. A new player began with the successful team piteşteană, Moiceanu, which shortly became teammates for opponents and secret gun.In last stage of the tour, at Piteşti, piteştenii in extremis have won the game with Dinamo BucureştiDinamo Bucuresti
Fotbal Club Dinamo Bucureşti is a Romanian professional football club based in Bucharest. Dinamo is one of the two most successful football teams in Romania, having won 18 Romanian Liga I titles, 12 Romanian Cups and 1 Romanian Supercup....
(score 1-0 ) And FC Arges became champions tour with 10 games won, and a shed 6 defeats, included 25 goals and 17 received, totalling 21 points, three more than it proposed at the beginning of the championship.Then at the final of the season they won the second title in their history.
FC Arges is one of the most loved teams in Romania.In present in the North side of the Nicolae Dobrin stadium are 4 groups of fans: Violet Eagles,Violet Republic,Rolast Suprem and Debilii.Fans of FC Arges are in rivalty with the fans of Universitatea Craiova,Dinamo,Steaua,Rapid and others.Domestic
Liga ILiga I
Liga I, or in full, due to sponsorship reasons, Liga I Bergenbier, is the top division of the Romanian football league system. Before the 2006/2007 season, it was called Divizia A, but the name had to be changed following the discovery that someone else had registered the trademark "Divizia A"...
- Winners (2): 1971-72Divizia A 1971-72-Final classification:-Top scorers:*Ion Oblemenco - Universitatea Craiova - 20 goals...
, 1978-79Divizia A 1978-79-Final classification:-Top scorers:*Marin Radu - FC Argeş Piteşti - 22*Constantin Stan - Gloria Buzau - 16*Rodion Camataru - Universitatea Craiova - 13*Emerich Dembrovszky - Politehnica Timişoara - 13*Andrei Fanici - ASA Târgu Mureş - 13... - Runners-up (2): 1967-68Divizia A 1967-68-Final classification:-Top scorers:*Mihai Adam - Universitatea Cluj - 15 goals...
, 1977-78Divizia A 1977-78-Final classification:-Top scorers:*Dudu Georgescu - Dinamo Bucureşti - 24*Anghel Iordanescu - Steaua Bucureşti - 19*Marcel Raducanu - Steaua Bucureşti - 18*Marin Radu - FC Argeş Piteşti - 15*Ladislau Brosovschi - UT Arad - 13...
Romanian Cup
Romanian Cup
The Cupa României is a football competition which was held annually since 1933-34, except during the World War II. It is the country's main cup competition, and it is open to all clubs affiliated with FRF and the county football associations regardless of the league they belong to...
- Runners-up (1): 1964-65
Liga II
Liga II
Liga II is the second tier league of the Romanian football league system. The league acquired this name in the 2006-07, being previously called Divizia B....
- Winners (4): 1960-61, 1962–63, 1993-94Divizia B 1993–94The Divizia B 1993–94 season was the 54th season of Divizia B, the second tier of the Romanian football league system.The winner of each series of the Divizia B was promoted to the Divizia A. The bottom two teams were relegated to the Divizia C.- Seria I :...
, 2007–08
Unofficial competitions
- Cyrus International Tournament1971 Cyrus International TournamentThe Cyrus International Tournament or simply Cyrus Cup was a friendly football tournament held in Tehran, Iran between June 25 to July 4, 1971...
- Runners-up: 19711971 Cyrus International TournamentThe Cyrus International Tournament or simply Cyrus Cup was a friendly football tournament held in Tehran, Iran between June 25 to July 4, 1971...
- Runners-up: 1971
- Balkans CupBalkans CupIn 1961, a Balkans Cup for football clubs from Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, and Yugoslavia was introduced. It was played 27 times...
- Runners-up (3): 1983–84, 1984–85, 1987–88
- Norcia Winter Cup Italy
- Winners (1): 2002
FC Argeş Piteşti in Europe
Competition | ||||||||
UEFA Champions League UEFA Champions League The UEFA Champions League, known simply the Champions League and originally known as the European Champion Clubs' Cup or European Cup, is an annual international club football competition organised by the Union of European Football Associations since 1955 for the top football clubs in Europe. It... / European Cup |
2 | 8 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 13 | 10 | |
UEFA Europa League / UEFA Cup UEFA Cup The UEFA Europa League is an annual association football cup competition organised by UEFA since 1971 for eligible European football clubs. It is the second most prestigious European club football contest after the UEFA Champions League... |
5 | 18 | 7 | 4 | 7 | 29 | 34 | – 5 |
Total | 7 | 26 | 11 | 4 | 11 | 42 | 44 | – 2 |
Current squad
As of 06 May 2011Notable former players
Constantin BarbuConstantin Barbu
Constantin Barbu is a retired Romanian footballer who played as a midfielder, with netting ability.-Club career:...
Paul Codrea
Paul Codrea
Paul Codrea is a Romanian footballer, who plays as a midfielder for A.C. Siena in Italy. He played for the Romanian team in the group stage games in the 2008 European Championships.-International goals:...
Dănuţ Coman Nicolae Dică
Nicolae Dica
Nicolae Constantin Dică is a Romanian football attacking midfielder. He is a playmaker or forward known for his incisive passing and long balls...
Nicolae Dobrin
Nicolae Dobrin
Nicolae Dobrin was a Romanian football player. Dobrin is considered by many to be the best Romanian player of the 1960s and 1970s and one of the most talented players ever to play the game...
Bogdan Mara
Bogdan Mara
Ion Bogdan Mara is a Romanian footballer who is playing for Greek club Skoda Xanthi.-Inter Sibiu:Mara made his first steps in professional football in Sibiu, at Inter, where he played for two years...
Joita Marin Adrian Mutu
Adrian Mutu
Adrian Mutu is a Romanian footballer who plays as a striker for Serie A club Cesena.-Argeş Piteşti:Mutu began his professional career with his home club Argeş Piteşti...
Valentin Năstase Adrian Neaga
Adrian Neaga
Adrian Constantin Neaga is a Romanian football player. He is a forward.-Early career:* Neaga's career started once he signed his first professional contract with Argeş Piteşti in 1997...
Vasile Popa
- Ioachim Popescu Andrei PrepeliţăAndrei PrepelitaAndrei Prepeliţă is a Romanian professional footballer, who plays for Steaua Bucureşti.-Steaua Bucureşti:On 2 August 2011 he signed a four year contract with Steaua Bucureşti.-External links:*...
Badea StelianBadea StelianBadea Stelian , widely known as Stelică Badea, is a retired Romanian football midfielder.He was born in Bucşani and his first steps in football has been under the guidance of coach Stere Popescu. He debuted at I.O.R. Bucharest, and at 20 years he had reached FC Olt Scorniceşti. In 1980, he arrived...
Marin RaduMarin RaduMarin Radu is a retired Romanian football striker.- Records :*Total matches played in Romanian First League: 385 matches - 190 goals*Topscorer of Romanian First League: 1979, 1981...
Constantin SchumacherConstantin SchumacherConstantin Schumacher is a retired Romanian attacking football midfielder, currently manager of Juventus Bucureşti in Liga II.- Career :...
Iulian TameşIulian TamesIulian Tameş is a Romanian footballer who currently is under contract with Politehnica Timişoara. Tameş is a central offensive midfield.-Early career:...
Ciprian TănasăCiprian TanasaCiprian Ion Tănasă is a Romanian football player, who is under contract with CS Mioveni.-External links:*...
Cristian TănaseCristian TanaseCristian Tănase is a Romanian football player, who plays for Steaua Bucureşti. He is a versatile midfielder that has played as a left winger, a right winger and as a central attacking midfield...
Ion Ţârcovnicu Şt. Timar Bogdan Vintilă Ion VlădoiuIon VladoiuIon "Jean" Vlădoiu, , is a retired Romanian football player one of the very few who played for the biggest teams of Romania - Steaua Bucureşti, Rapid Bucharest, Dinamo Bucharest, Universitatea Craiova and Argeş Piteşti....