FP84 is an extension of John Backus
John Backus
John Warner Backus was an American computer scientist. He directed the team that invented the first widely used high-level programming language and was the inventor of the Backus-Naur form , the almost universally used notation to define formal language syntax.He also did research in...

' FP programming language
FP programming language
FP is a programming language created by John Backus to support the function-level programming paradigm...

 to include infinite sequences, programmer-defined combining forms (analogous to those that Backus himself added to FL
FL programming language
FL is a programming language created at the IBM Almaden Research Center by John Backus, John Williams, and Edward Wimmers in 1989....

, his successor to FP), and lazy evaluation
Lazy evaluation
In programming language theory, lazy evaluation or call-by-need is an evaluation strategy which delays the evaluation of an expression until the value of this is actually required and which also avoids repeated evaluations...


Unlike FFP, another one of Backus' own variations on FP, FP84 makes a clear distinction between objects and functions: i.e., the latter are no longer represented by sequences of the former.

FP84's extensions are accomplished by removing the FP restriction that sequence construction be applied only to non-⊥ objects: in FP84 the entire universe of expressions (including those whose meaning is ⊥) is closed under sequence construction.

FP84's semantics is embodied in an underlying algebra of programs, this is, a set of function-level
Function-level programming
In computer science, function-level programming refers to one of the two contrasting programming paradigms identified by John Backus in his work on programs as mathematical objects, the other being value-level programming....

equalities that may be used to manipulate and to reason about programs.
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