Fall schedule
The fall schedule is the broadcast programming television lineup for the six major American commercial broadcast networks. It usually consists of new television shows paired with returning favorites and runs from September to December, since an altered lineup usually runs from January to May when more new shows (midseason replacement
Midseason replacement
In American and Canadian television, a midseason replacement is a television series that premieres in the second half of the traditional television season, usually between January and May...

) premiere.

Recently, several television network
Television network
A television network is a telecommunications network for distribution of television program content, whereby a central operation provides programming to many television stations or pay TV providers. Until the mid-1980s, television programming in most countries of the world was dominated by a small...

s have staggered new and returning shows without necessarily following a fall and spring schedule. NBC announced in February 2008 that it would follow a "52-week television season," likely with fewer television episodes per season than the current standard 22.

External links

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