Fannia lucidula
Fannia lucidula is a fly
Diptera , or true flies, is the order of insects possessing only a single pair of wings on the mesothorax; the metathorax bears a pair of drumstick like structures called the halteres, the remnants of the hind wings. It is a large order, containing an estimated 240,000 species, although under half...

 species in the Fanniidae
The Fanniidae are a small group of true flies largely confined to the Holarctic and temperate Neotropical regions.There are 11 Afrotropical species, 29 Oriental, and 14 Australasian. See Biogeographic Regions....

 family. This species is smaller and more slender than the house fly, Musca domestica
The housefly , Musca domestica, is a fly of the suborder Cyclorrhapha...

, and is similar in appearance to the lesser house fly
Lesser house fly
The lesser house fly or little house fly, Fannia canicularis, is somewhat smaller than the common housefly. It is slender, and the median vein in the wing is straight. Larvae feed on all manner of decaying organic matter, including carrion...

, Fannia canicularis.
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