Fathia Ghali
Fathiya Ghali was the youngest daughter of Fuad I and Nazli Sabri
Nazli Sabri
Nazli Sabri , was the Queen consort of Egypt, as the second wife of King Fuad.-Early life:...

, and so the youngest sister of Farouk I.

Early life

Princess Fathiya was born on 17 December 1930 in the Vermont Hotel in San Francisco, California
California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. It is by far the most populous U.S. state, and the third-largest by land area...

, USA. She was of Turkish, Albanian, French, and Circassian descent. Her father
Fuad I of Egypt
Fuad I was the Sultan and later King of Egypt and Sudan, Sovereign of Nubia, Kordofan, and Darfur. The ninth ruler of Egypt and Sudan from the Muhammad Ali Dynasty, he became Sultan of Egypt and Sudan in 1917, succeeding his elder brother Sultan Hussein Kamel...

 died when she was six years old. She was raised mostly close to her mother
Nazli Sabri
Nazli Sabri , was the Queen consort of Egypt, as the second wife of King Fuad.-Early life:...

 and her sister Princess Faiqa. In 1948, she travelled with her sister Princess Faiqa and her mother to the United States for her mother needed to make a kidney surgery.

Life Outside Egypt

After her mother's surgery succeeded, she settled in the United States for a long time, and in 1949, her sister Princess Faiqa married Fuad Sadek. After a while and in 1950, she herself married Riyad Ghali
Riyad Ghali
Riyad Ghali was the husband of Princess Fathia the youngest daughter of King Fuad I and Queen Nazli Sabri.- Marriage, Divorce and Death :...

, their Royal Advisor, who was 11 years her senior, and was a Christian
A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Canonical gospels and the letters of the New Testament...

 who converted to Islam
Islam . The most common are and .   : Arabic pronunciation varies regionally. The first vowel ranges from ~~. The second vowel ranges from ~~~...

. In 1950, the King made a Royal Decree that states that Queen Nazli, Princess Faiqa, and Princess Fathiya would get all their riches and titles removed. Princess Faiqa went back to Egypt in 1951 to get back her title, and she did, and her husband Fuad Sadek got the "Bekdom" or held the title "Fuad Bek Sadek". Princess Fathiya and her mother settled in the United States for the rest of her life, having many troubles that made her reach to living in a small flat in California. Later in 1973, she got divorced from Riyad Ghali because it was his fault that made them loose everything. Later, when her mother's jewelry was sold for $1,500,000, they got a small sea-view house in Santa Monica. And then, her mother sent a request to President Anwar El-Sadat to retrieve their Egyptian Passports. And they did.


Princess Fathiya's death was very tragic. On 10 December 1976, the day she was returning to Egypt, she went to her ex-husband's house by the excuse of "taking Ghali's mother's (Galila) clothes". When she went, she found Ghali drunk, and not wanting her to leave, and using his revolver, he shot her with 6 shots in her head. Then, Ghali covered her body with his mother's clothes, and tried to kill himself with six shot on his head, and 2 in his mouth, but he survived.


Princess Fathiya and Riyad Ghali had three children, two sons and a doughter:
  • Rafiq (November 29, 1952 – July 12,1987), died after severe mental issues due to his parent's and grandmother's deaths.
  • Raid (born May 20, 1954)
  • Rania (born April 21, 1956)


  • Her Royal Highness, Princess Fathyia Fuad of Egypt (1950 – 1970)
  • Mrs. Fathiya Ghali (1950 – 1973)
  • Miss Fathiya Fuad (1973 – 1976)


See also

  • Nazli Sabri
    Nazli Sabri
    Nazli Sabri , was the Queen consort of Egypt, as the second wife of King Fuad.-Early life:...

  • Farouk I
  • Fuad I
  • Kingdom of Egypt
    Kingdom of Egypt
    The Kingdom of Egypt was the first modern Egyptian state, lasting from 1922 to 1953. The Kingdom was created in 1922 when the British government unilaterally ended its protectorate over Egypt, in place since 1914. Sultan Fuad I became the first king of the new state...

  • Anwar Al-Sadat
  • Muhammad Ali Dynasty
    Muhammad Ali Dynasty
    The Muhammad Ali Dynasty was the ruling dynasty of Egypt and Sudan, from the 19th to the mid-20th Century. It is named after its progenitor, Muhammad Ali Pasha, regarded as the founder of modern Egypt. It was also more formally known as the Alawiyya Dynasty...

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