Felix Hyatt
Felix Hyatt is a former Minister of State for the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Aviation
Nigerian Federal Ministry of Aviation
The Nigerian Federal Ministry of Aviation is a ministry of the Nigerian government that regulates air travel and aviation services in Nigeria.The ministry is responsible for formulation and management of the government's aviation policies in Nigeria....

. He was appointed by President Umaru Yar'Adua in June 2007, and left office in October 2008 after a cabinet reshuffle.

Aviation minister

In 2007 he floated the idea of privatizing or concessioning some airports, including MMIA, Lagos, Malam Aminu Kano International Airport, Margaret Ekpo International Airport, Calabar, and Port-Harcourt International Airport.
He moved the headquarters of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) to the national capital, Abuja
Abuja is the capital city of Nigeria. It is located in the centre of Nigeria, within the Federal Capital Territory . Abuja is a planned city, and was built mainly in the 1980s. It officially became Nigeria's capital on 12 December 1991, replacing Lagos...

, a decision that caused controversy over the cost and disruption entailed.
In October 2008 he threatened to use drastic methods to make airline operators pay N8 billion they owe to aviation parastatals.

He accepted his dismissal in October 2008 gracefully, saying the cabinet reshuffle was not aimed at any individual but was done to move the nation forward, and describing his term as a very special moment of his life.
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