Feng Chian
Feng Chian 冯治安, or Feng Chih-an, (1896 – 1954), Chinese Nationalist Lieutenant-General during the Second Sino-Japanese War
Second Sino-Japanese War
The Second Sino-Japanese War was a military conflict fought primarily between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan. From 1937 to 1941, China fought Japan with some economic help from Germany , the Soviet Union and the United States...

From 1931 to 1937 he was the general commanding 37th Division and in 1936 was made
Chairman of the Government of Hebei Province which office he held until 1938. For a time he was acting commander of the 29th Army in 1937. Following the Battle of Beiping-Tianjin
Battle of Beiping-Tianjin
The Battle of Beiping-Tianjin , also known as the “Peiking-Tientsin Operation” or by the Japanese as the was a series of battles of the Second Sino-Japanese War fought in the proximity of Beiping and Tianjin...

 he organized and commanded the 77th Corps until 1943. Shortly afterward he became commander of the 19th Army and fought in the Tianjin–Pukou Railway Operation
Tianjin–Pukou Railway Operation
The Japanese 津浦線作戦 or Tientsin–Pukow Railway Operation was a follow up operation to the Peiking Tientsin Operation of the Japanese army in North China at the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War. The Japanese advanced following the line of the Tianjin-Pukou Railway to the Yellow River....

, Battle of Xuzhou
Battle of Xuzhou
The Battle of Xuzhou was fought between Japanese and Chinese forces in May 1938 during Second Sino-Japanese War. In contemporary accounts in English, the event was usually referred to as the "Battle of Hsuchow", using the Chinese Postal Map Romanization....

 and Battle of Wuhan
Battle of Wuhan
The Battle of Wuhan, popularly known to the Chinese as the Defence of Wuhan, and to the Japanese as the Capture of Wuhan, was a large-scale battle of the Second Sino-Japanese War...

Later as 77th Corps commander he was also in Battle of Suixian-Zaoyang
Battle of Suixian-Zaoyang
The Battle of Suixian–Zaoyang , also known as the Battle of Suizao was one of the 22 major engagements between the National Revolutionary Army and Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War.- The battle :...

, 1939-40 Winter Offensive
1939-40 Winter Offensive
The 1939–40 Winter Offensive was one of the major engagements between the National Revolutionary Army and Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War...

 and Battle of Zaoyang-Yichang
Battle of Zaoyang-Yichang
The Battle of Zaoyang–Yichang , also known as the Battle of Zaoyi was one of the 22 major engagements between the National Revolutionary Army and Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War....


In 1940 he was made Commander in Chief of the 33rd Army Group which he commanded in the Central Hopei Operation, Battle of South Henan
Battle of South Henan
The Battle of South Henan , was one of the 22 major engagements between the National Revolutionary Army and Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War.This battle was the first time the NRA engaged the Japanese in southern Henan....

, and the Western Hopei Operation
Western Hopei Operation
The Western Hubei Operation was one of the engagements between the National Revolutionary Army and Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War...


In 1945 he was Commander in Chief Northern Hebei Right Force in the Battle of West Henan-North Hubei
Battle of West Henan-North Hubei
The Battle of West Henan-North Hubei , was one of the 22 major engagements between the National Revolutionary Army and Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War. It was in northern Hubei and western Henan...


  • Hsu Long-hsuen and Chang Ming-kai, History of The Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) 2nd Ed. ,1971. Translated by Wen Ha-hsiung , Chung Wu Publishing; 33, 140th Lane, Tung-hwa Street, Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China.
  • Generals of WWII, China
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