Filyos is a town in Çaycuma
Çaycuma is a town and district of Zonguldak Province in the Black Sea region of Turkey. The mayor is Mithat Gülşen . The population of Çaycuma is 115,000, but the centre population is 21,300. Çaycuma is well known for yogurt in Zonguldak and Turkey. Most people in Çaycuma work at oyka....

 district of Zonguldak Province
Zonguldak Province
Zonguldak Province is a province along the western Black Sea coast region of Turkey. The province is 3.481 km² in size and has a population of 619,703 Its adjacent provinces are Düzce to the southwest, Bolu to the south, Karabük to the southeast, and Bartın to the east...

, Turkey
Turkey , known officially as the Republic of Turkey , is a Eurasian country located in Western Asia and in East Thrace in Southeastern Europe...

. It is a coastal town of Black Sea
Black Sea
The Black Sea is bounded by Europe, Anatolia and the Caucasus and is ultimately connected to the Atlantic Ocean via the Mediterranean and the Aegean seas and various straits. The Bosphorus strait connects it to the Sea of Marmara, and the strait of the Dardanelles connects that sea to the Aegean...

 at 41°33′N 32°01′E situated along a river with the same name. It is 18 km to Çaycuma. The population of the town is 5559 as of 2010. In the ancient history the town was known as Billaios meaning water passage. Another name of the town was Tieion referring to the founder of the town. The settlement was decleared a seat of township in 1954. The main economic activity of the town is firebrick industry. Tourism is also promising.
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