Finalizing an optical disc is the process of writing out support data such as DVD menus, directory data, and the like to an optical disc in order to make it playable on a system other than the one it was recorded on. As a general rule, finalization means that the disc cannot have any more data written to it. It is the last step in the DVD authoring
DVD authoring
DVD authoring is the process of creating a DVD video capable of playing on a DVD player. DVD authoring software must conform to the specifications set by the DVD Forum group in 1995...


The term is also used as an alternative word for the "closing" of a CD-R
A CD-R is a variation of the Compact Disc invented by Philips and Sony. CD-R is a Write Once Read Many optical medium, though the whole disk does not have to be entirely written in the same session....

, in which Table of Contents data and the like are written out to enable the computer to read a CD. Like DVD finalization, a closed CD-R cannot receive any more data.

Some recording formats, such as DVD+RW VR, do not require finalization before they can be played.
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