Fingers (drinking game)
Fingers is a drinking game
Drinking game
Drinking games are games which involve the consumption of alcoholic beverages. These games vary widely in scope and complexity, although the purpose of most is to become intoxicated as quickly as possible...

 or party game
Party game
Party games are games that some people play as forms of entertainment at social gatherings. Party games usually involve more than one player. There are a large number and styles of party games available and the one selected will depend on the atmosphere that is sought to be generated...

 where players guess the number of participating players who will keep their finger on "the cup" at the end of a countdown. A correct guess eliminates the player from the game and ensures they will not have to drink the cup. The last person in the game loses and must consume the cup contents. The cup could be a pint glass, pitcher, or other vesicle (large enough for all players to put one finger on the rim) that is filled with a sip or small sample of all players' own beverage prior to the start of the game.


  • 3 or more players
  • Alcoholic beverage
    Alcoholic beverage
    An alcoholic beverage is a drink containing ethanol, commonly known as alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes: beers, wines, and spirits. They are legally consumed in most countries, and over 100 countries have laws regulating their production, sale, and consumption...

    s, typically wine
    Wine is an alcoholic beverage, made of fermented fruit juice, usually from grapes. The natural chemical balance of grapes lets them ferment without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes, or other nutrients. Grape wine is produced by fermenting crushed grapes using various types of yeast. Yeast...

    , beer
    Beer is the world's most widely consumed andprobably oldest alcoholic beverage; it is the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea. It is produced by the brewing and fermentation of sugars, mainly derived from malted cereal grains, most commonly malted barley and malted wheat...

     or mixed spirits
  • A pint glass, pitcher, or other vessel

Setup and common rules

Fingers starts by a participant offering his empty or almost empty pint glass, pitcher, or other vessel to be used as "the cup." Each play pours a small amount of their own beverage into "the cup". The game progresses in a series of turns with the first turn going to the game participant who suggested playing the game. Each turn starts with all player putting one finger on the rim of the cup. When all fingers are on the rim, the player whose turn it is announces, "three - two - one" followed by a number. The number is the player's guess at how many fingers will remain on the cup. All participating players, including the player whose turn it is, have the option to keep their finger on the cup or to remove it from the cup after the "three - two - one" count. A correct guess eliminates the player from the game (a win), an incorrect guess keeps the player active in the game. The game progresses clockwise as each player takes their turn. The game ends when only one person remains- the loser. The loser must drink the contents of the cup. If the game is played again, a second round, the loser is the first to start the game.

Variations and other rules

  • Balk: a balk is when the a player whose turn it is announces "three - two - one" and doesn't announce or waits too long to announce their guess number. The player looses his / her turn if a balk occurs. There should be no gap in timing when announcing the guess number after the "three - two - one" series.

  • Slow Pull: a slow pull is when a participant is slow or decides late to remove their finger from the cup (within a second). Most players will agree that counting the remaining fingers after a number is called and then deciding to remove his / her finger (within a second) to cheat the current active player is next to impossible. For this reason, slow pulls should be considered fair game unless it is unreasonably delayed or there are less than 3-4 players remaining. All players (eliminated players included) should make the judgement call.

  • Social: a social is when all players take one sip of their own drink. Socials occur when everyone coincidentally removes their finger during a turn.

  • F*** Y**: when a guess is made and coincidentally no players remove their fingers from the cup, all player whisper a slow f * * * y * * in unison to the player who made the call (opposite of a social).

  • No Celebrating: when a correct guess is made by the player and they are eliminated from the game, they must not celebrate in any way. Celebration before the next player starts their turn results in their re-entry to the game.
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