Fink (album)
Fink is the second album by the Swamp Zombies
Swamp Zombies
Swamp Zombies was an indie rock band formed during the 1980s in California . One of Doctor Dream Records most popular bands, the Swamp Zombies released five albums for the label. The core of their sound blended folk music and punk music with heavy doses of calypso and other influences thrown into...

 and was released in 1989 under the Doctor Dream Records label.

Track listing

  1. Mr. Freako
  2. We Just Don't Belong
  3. Zipper
    Zipper (ride)
    The Zipper is an amusement-thrill ride popular at carnivals and amusement parks in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It features strong vertical G-forces, numerous spins, and a noted sense of unpredictability....

  4. We Got Five Bucks
  5. Big Black Shoes
  6. Victor
  7. Mr. Hate
  8. Land Of 1000 Beers
  9. Dig A Hole In The Love...
  10. Crawfish
  11. Cold Fables
  12. You Always Think
  13. Now It's Gone
  14. Denny's Incident
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