Finn Tarp
Finn Tarp is a Danish Professor of Development Economics at the University of Copenhagen (where he completed his MSc and PhD) and Director of UN University-WIDER, Helsinki, Finland.

Professor Tarp has some 35 years of experience in academic and applied development economics research and teaching. His field experience covers numerous countries across Africa and the developing world more generally, including longer term assignments in Swaziland (two years), Mozambique (eight years) and Vietnam (three years).
Finn Tarp is a leading international expert on issues of development strategy and foreign aid, with an interest in poverty, income distribution and growth, micro- and macroeconomic policy and modeling, agricultural sector policy and planning, household and enterprise development, and economic adjustment and reform.
In addition to his university positions, Finn Tarp has held senior posts and advisory positions within government and with donor organizations, and he is member of a large number of international committees and advisory bodies. They include the European Union Development Network (EUDN) and the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC).


Finn Tarp is the author of some 75 articles and book chapters in internationally refereed journals and book volumes, and he has published several books. [3] They include for example:
  • Tarp, Finn (1993) Stabilization and Structural Adjustment: Macroeconomic Frameworks for Analysing the Crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. London and New York: Routledge, 212 pages. ISBN 0415081807 ISBN 978-0415081801
  • Brixen, Peter and Tarp, Finn (1996) The South African Economy: Macroeconomic Prospects the Medium Term. London and New York: Routledge, 219 pages.
  • Tarp, Finn (ed.) (2000) Foreign Aid and Development: Lessons Learnt and Directions for the Future. London and New York: Routledge, 512 pages. ISBN 0-415-21546-3, ISBN 0-415-23363-1
  • Addison, Tony, Hansen, Henrik, and Tarp, Finn (eds) (2004) Debt Relief for Poor Countries. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 318 pages. ISBN 1-40393495-9
  • Arndt, Channing and Tarp, Finn (eds.) (2009) Taxation in a Low-Income Economy: the Case of Mozambique. London and New York: Routledge, 383 page, ISBN 978-0-415-48053-6, ISBN 978-0-203-88197-2

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